I want your Wrigley Cards

clark_pclark_p Posts: 203
Doubles? Sealed Packs? Just have some that you don't want? Send me a pic and what you want for them and we'll try to work a deal. I'll post a list of some things I have to trade as well.......



  • myoung321myoung321 Posts: 2,855
    Why are sealed packs going for? Have one from mystery box
    "The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh

  • clark_pclark_p Posts: 203
    Generally some go unsold on eBay at $50. What do you collect?
  • VedderMTLVedderMTL Montreal, Canada Posts: 1,401
    I'll sell you my full set 500$ hahahah ;)
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