
It's a word. That's right. I know, you were thinking like, "effed up" or "effing amazing". No, sorry, here it is:
effable (EF-uh-buhl) adjective
Capable of being expressed.
[From Latin fari (to speak). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bha-
(to speak), which also gave us fable, fairy, fate, fame, blame, confess,
and infant (literally, one unable to speak). Earliest documented use: 1637.]
So next time you're effing mad, make your feeling effable.
effable (EF-uh-buhl) adjective
Capable of being expressed.
[From Latin fari (to speak). Ultimately from the Indo-European root bha-
(to speak), which also gave us fable, fairy, fate, fame, blame, confess,
and infant (literally, one unable to speak). Earliest documented use: 1637.]
So next time you're effing mad, make your feeling effable.

"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Is that the same as I'm not good at expressing my emotions?
even if I look and act really crazy.
I tend to make my feelings known as needed
we will find a way, we will find our place
Like I say Cindy Crawford in 1996?
Most reply, hell yes.
Or hedo may say Brad pitt anytime?
ND replies, hell yea!
we will find a way, we will find our place
(however, I'm NOT a Pitt fan, DF! I could fill in the blank with others, though
Fuckus rules all
Well, filthy and intelligent.