TO show

Does anyone know for sure that the concert for may 11 is rescheduled for the 12th?


  • Leezestarr313Leezestarr313 Temple of the cat Posts: 14,374
    No one can know for sure at this point in time. The results of the games will decide on that. If the second game is won by another team than the first one, game 5 will happen, I think, because the winner needs to win four games. So once the outcome of game two is there, you can be sure. From what I am hearing chances are pretty low that one team sweeps through the first four games and wins them all, so get ready for the second show to be bumped to the 12th.
  • HhaywardHhayward Posts: 2
    ok cool. thanks man. I still hope it's on the 11 though.
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