WARNING for those attending Southside Festival

bedface cooper.bedface cooper. Posts: 193
edited June 2007 in Given To Fly (live)
Just in case any of you is still at home:
There were (and are still, I think) sort of thunderstorms today, so the tentstage at Southside Festival is not useable. The organiser recommends arriving there only tomorrow, because there's still a lot of work and a lot of things to clean up.

And the weather forecast for the next days isn't really great as well, cloudy and rainy with temperatures around 10°-16°C.
Leider erleben wir zur Zeit ein schweres Unwetter. Die Zeltbühne ist nicht bespielbar, mögliche Optionen werden zur Zeit geprüft. Es gibt noch viel Arbeit und viel aufzuräumen, deswegen verschiebt bitte eure Anreise auf morgen.
Kids! Bringing about Armageddon can be dangerous. Do not attempt it in your own home.
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