The Kangaroo

The bruise to my ribs still hasn't healed. In from NY catching second PJ ever (only took me 20 years, but that's another story) in sunny Miami. Learned all about the benevolence of PJ 10C members (thanks Mike from Minnesota for the tix), met countless other fans from all over US (hello birthday chick from SoCal) and Europe. Entire arena stood for whole show, amazing energy, totally blown away, full of regret for falling in love with this band sooner. But back to the ribs.

Towards the middle of the show I spied a few empty seats side stage rail, hard by Mike. Took me about 2 minutes to walk the length of the arena and bang, on the rail. Not the GA rail of course, but pretty damn cool to be that close. Went from great to unreal. They blast into Once. And then he hit me - elbow right to the ribs to get past me, bounded over the rail into side stage pit. Bounced again and in one graceful move he was on the stage. Slid right past Mike, brushed past Ed, and fearlessly dove into the crowd. Coolest move I ever saw.

Security was loosing their minds right in front of me. One of them screams "He just jumped out like a funckin kangaroo!!" Like the bumbling fools they are, they pointed fingers and argued with each other and pretty much were stunned. But he was gone - amazing how he got away with it.

Ed and Jeff seemed amused, almost mischievous. They did not appear threatened or even totally surprised. And they rocked on.

Last night I'm looking at vids of the show on YouTube. Great video from behind the stage of Once. Midway through song, Ed starts looking over toward side stage - like he's looking for someone. And then he appears. Almost looks like he gives Ed a low five as he glides by, and then dives. Ed's grinning from ear to ear.


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