TV's "Crowded" Pearl Jam Tribute/Influence

So we watched a couple of episodes of NBC's new sitcom "Crowded" and shocked when we started seeing an ongoing Pearl Jam theme .
The PJ Clues---
Star Patrick Warburton- known PJ fan -
In Interview Onda: Mike appears to be one of the more normal guys you’ve ever played. Is that fair to say?
Warburton: It’s very close to home. He’s a helicopter pilot. He’s a hardcore Pearl Jam “10 Club” fan kind of guy. They do live in Seattle, and Eddie Vedder’s always been my muse. We’re kinda gonna do that with Mike, and I think it’s a cool personal aspect of the show. There’s a lot of it that’s relatable. It is actually my life. He has the same taste in music that I do. It’s kind of cool doing something that’s really close to home, you know?
Series is set in Seattle, Washington
THE KICKER CLUE -- EPISODE NAMES -- Check out these names.. sounds more like a setlist
1) "Pilot"
2) "Present Tense"
3) "Brother"
4) "Rearviewmirror"
5) "Amongst the Waves"
6) "Nothing As It Seems"
7) "The Fixer"
8) "Given to Fly"
9) "Unemployable"
10) "Better Man"
11) "Daughter"
12) "In Hiding"
13) "Come Back"
Source Crowded Wiki
The PJ Clues---
Star Patrick Warburton- known PJ fan -

In Interview Onda: Mike appears to be one of the more normal guys you’ve ever played. Is that fair to say?
Warburton: It’s very close to home. He’s a helicopter pilot. He’s a hardcore Pearl Jam “10 Club” fan kind of guy. They do live in Seattle, and Eddie Vedder’s always been my muse. We’re kinda gonna do that with Mike, and I think it’s a cool personal aspect of the show. There’s a lot of it that’s relatable. It is actually my life. He has the same taste in music that I do. It’s kind of cool doing something that’s really close to home, you know?
Series is set in Seattle, Washington
THE KICKER CLUE -- EPISODE NAMES -- Check out these names.. sounds more like a setlist

1) "Pilot"
2) "Present Tense"
3) "Brother"
4) "Rearviewmirror"
5) "Amongst the Waves"
6) "Nothing As It Seems"
7) "The Fixer"
8) "Given to Fly"
9) "Unemployable"
10) "Better Man"
11) "Daughter"
12) "In Hiding"
13) "Come Back"
Source Crowded Wiki

"The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh
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