National Equality Map

I support the band's decision to cancel the show that I had won, in the lottery, GA tickets to take my 17 yr old, music loving, straight A, helpful, respectful, different, non- conformist, job holding, not blinded by the National idea of contentment, lead singing/guitar playing in a band son. Even though he prefers punk music, Pearl Jam has played a bigger part in his development as a musician and as a human I'm proud to call my son. We are both sad at the missed experience and memories this show would have created. (I took him to the Atlanta music festival in 2013 to see Pearl Jam)
I do not support this policy, or any others, that discriminate against my neighbors. It is a law meant to repress the people and grab power away from the local leaders by the power/money hungry elite that are destroying this state and world. But, with that being said, VA and Kentucky both have state laws that discriminate against the minority with policies much worse than the one NC passed. Yet they are still going to tour to those states. Is it because we are a nation/people with such a 'I want it now', 'what's going on now', 'me-now me-now' mentality and short term memory, that since the NC law has been in the news lately (and is still a new policy with a high chance of being repealed) that they are willing to cancel their tour in NC yet not the other states that have equally (if not worse) discriminating policies/laws, and for a longer period of time? I'm just curious for thoughts. And thanks Pearl Jam, for wanting better for us all. Once I get over my (selfish) sadness for the missed experience with my oldest son, I know I will feel less ashamed and less fear (if even for a moment, day or week) for the world I am leaving my kids because you have reinforced the same ideas I have tried to teach/show my kids.
My son and I will miss you on 4/20.
One person can change the world, unfortunately I (we) weren't fast enough creating that change. It'll happen though. Hope to see you play music sometime soon.
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