*** Hampton, VA Fanviews Here 4/18/16 ***

Pearl Jam
Hampton Coliseum
Hampton, VA
April 18, 2016
Set List
Walk On Music: It Happened Today-R.E.M.
Band On Stage 08:21
Band Off Stage 11:34
01. Why Go
02. Mind Your Manners
03. Corduroy
04. Brain Of J
05. Faithfull
(Ed talks about how beautiful it is here in Hampton and asks the audience if they wanted to keep it a secret. He offers to have all this cut out of the bootleg. He talks about playing Virginia Beach every 8 years and compares the band to locusts. Showing up every 8 years and devouring everything and then, and this is where the analogy falls apart, laying millions of eggs.
He goes on to say that He remembers the terrible weather when they were going to play just after the tragic event in Denmark and the band wasn’t sure they could ever go onstage again. This was the song he wrote in the hotel before the show.)
06. I Am Mine
07. Jeremy
(Ed says he never got to meet Chris McCandless but he did meet his sister. She lives in the area and is at the show tonight.)
08. Setting Forth
09. Not For You/Modern Girl-(Sleater Kinney)
10. Even Flow
(“you know sometimes we get Soundgarden fans here and rather than tickets in the front row they say they wanna sit (behind the stage) so they can see Matt Cameron. Here’s Stone Gossard on guitar”.)
11. Daughter/It's OK-(Cole) (Ed sings “you can’t beat me, gonna survive” before going into the It’s Ok tag)
(Ed compliments the audience on their singing and encourages them to get a job that requires singing because it feels so good. He also asks the audience how many had a good teacher that got them on the right path. Many fans raise their hands. “That is great. Isn’t it funny then that they keep cutting money for education. He says there is a good teacher named (Gene?) in the audience and asks for a light to be put on him. The next song is about a great teacher Ed had.)
12. Long Road
13. Wishlist
14. Sirens
(Ed finds a guy who lost out on a tambourine in Philly that is here tonight and dedicates “Habit” to Andrew and his brother who are celebrating two years of sobriety. Of course he makes a substance abuse joke between the two stories much to his belated chagrin)
15. Habit
16. Given To Fly-(dedicated to Keith Harward who was released after 30 years in prison. Wrongly convicted. DNA evidence finally got the conviction overturned. “I wish I could buy him a drink”.)
17. Lukin
18. Rearviewmirror
Encore Break One
(Ed talks being asked to play the next song for a soldier named (Nathan?). He also addresses North Carolina. "We had to make a real tough call and um, we had to make a call about what we would do about the situation in North Carolina. (crowd cheers and some boos). Because they have a law there that broadly…broadly discriminates against a whole group of people. And I can’t tell from here if you are booing North Carolina if your booing us for having to decide that we are not gonna play there. I would understand that too.
It was a hard process because we thought we could still play and make things right and we could fortify all the people on the ground working to repeal this despicable law. We thought we could take the money and give it to them and still play the show but the reality is there is nothing like the immense power like boycotting and putting a strain and it’s a shame because people are going to affected that don’t deserve it but it could be the way that ultimately is gonna effect change so again, we just couldn’t find it in ourselves in good conscience to cross a picket line when there was a movement so…
So we apologize to those in Raleigh, we apologize to those who are going to Raleigh, we apologize to the locals who probably believe in the same things that we do. They have a reason to be pissed and we're pissed off too. But we gotta be pissed off at the right people and get them to change their minds because they made a mistake, a big mistake and they can fix it.
So tonight we play this one for all the soldiers in the LGBT community.")
19. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt)
20. Sleeping By Myself (Ed forgets the lyrics in the bridge. He asks to try it again and has to quickly sing the entire song under his breath to get to the bridge and carry on)
21. Come Back (for a dad named Peyton and a friend of the band Dr. Michael Richter (sp)
22. Sad
23. Lightning Bolt (Ed stops playing guitar, though the song continues, to point out somebody in the pit misbehaving. Other people in the pit point at the guy and security finds him. As they are taking the guy out Ed tells him to “give it up, we already caught you being a douchebag, you are out of here. See you next time.”)
(Ed comments that it is their fifth show and there haven’t been any knuckleheads until tonight and that guy got caught right away “so that is a pretty good average.”. Pointing to a tall, heavily bearded guy in the stands he says, “I really thought you would have been a problem but no…The guy joking gestures at Ed that he is only a little problem. Ed spots his female companion and says, “oh that is why, see what a good woman can do?” The next song is spontaneous request)
24. In My Tree
25. Breath (Ed lets some folks on the barricade sing a bit of the middle eight)
(Ed puts on what looks like a Bernie Sanders hat and reflects light off of a pick guard on his guitar. He doesn’t play during this song but his tech hands him one so he can shine it around the venue)
26. Do The Evolution
27. Porch
Encore Break Two
(Ed thanks the audience member that gave him the hat he is wearing, “It’s a little bit dirty but can you read it? Warren is Elizabeth Warren, and speaking of cool women, This woman has been with us forever and it is her birthday today.” They sing Happy Birthday for Liz who is the production manager for the tour and has worked for the band for a very long time.
28. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
Mike wrote the next song and the band want to play it for Jennifer Jaff. She passed away a couple of years ago. Mike talks about Jennifer Jaff Care line, a patient advocacy group founded her.
29. Inside Job
30. Black
31. Alive
32. Rockin' In The Free World-(Young)
33. Indifference
Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.
Thank you!
Thanks John for the set list & notes.
Hampton Coliseum
Hampton, VA
April 18, 2016
Set List
Walk On Music: It Happened Today-R.E.M.
Band On Stage 08:21
Band Off Stage 11:34
01. Why Go
02. Mind Your Manners
03. Corduroy
04. Brain Of J
05. Faithfull
(Ed talks about how beautiful it is here in Hampton and asks the audience if they wanted to keep it a secret. He offers to have all this cut out of the bootleg. He talks about playing Virginia Beach every 8 years and compares the band to locusts. Showing up every 8 years and devouring everything and then, and this is where the analogy falls apart, laying millions of eggs.
He goes on to say that He remembers the terrible weather when they were going to play just after the tragic event in Denmark and the band wasn’t sure they could ever go onstage again. This was the song he wrote in the hotel before the show.)
06. I Am Mine
07. Jeremy
(Ed says he never got to meet Chris McCandless but he did meet his sister. She lives in the area and is at the show tonight.)
08. Setting Forth
09. Not For You/Modern Girl-(Sleater Kinney)
10. Even Flow
(“you know sometimes we get Soundgarden fans here and rather than tickets in the front row they say they wanna sit (behind the stage) so they can see Matt Cameron. Here’s Stone Gossard on guitar”.)
11. Daughter/It's OK-(Cole) (Ed sings “you can’t beat me, gonna survive” before going into the It’s Ok tag)
(Ed compliments the audience on their singing and encourages them to get a job that requires singing because it feels so good. He also asks the audience how many had a good teacher that got them on the right path. Many fans raise their hands. “That is great. Isn’t it funny then that they keep cutting money for education. He says there is a good teacher named (Gene?) in the audience and asks for a light to be put on him. The next song is about a great teacher Ed had.)
12. Long Road
13. Wishlist
14. Sirens
(Ed finds a guy who lost out on a tambourine in Philly that is here tonight and dedicates “Habit” to Andrew and his brother who are celebrating two years of sobriety. Of course he makes a substance abuse joke between the two stories much to his belated chagrin)
15. Habit
16. Given To Fly-(dedicated to Keith Harward who was released after 30 years in prison. Wrongly convicted. DNA evidence finally got the conviction overturned. “I wish I could buy him a drink”.)
17. Lukin
18. Rearviewmirror
Encore Break One
(Ed talks being asked to play the next song for a soldier named (Nathan?). He also addresses North Carolina. "We had to make a real tough call and um, we had to make a call about what we would do about the situation in North Carolina. (crowd cheers and some boos). Because they have a law there that broadly…broadly discriminates against a whole group of people. And I can’t tell from here if you are booing North Carolina if your booing us for having to decide that we are not gonna play there. I would understand that too.
It was a hard process because we thought we could still play and make things right and we could fortify all the people on the ground working to repeal this despicable law. We thought we could take the money and give it to them and still play the show but the reality is there is nothing like the immense power like boycotting and putting a strain and it’s a shame because people are going to affected that don’t deserve it but it could be the way that ultimately is gonna effect change so again, we just couldn’t find it in ourselves in good conscience to cross a picket line when there was a movement so…
So we apologize to those in Raleigh, we apologize to those who are going to Raleigh, we apologize to the locals who probably believe in the same things that we do. They have a reason to be pissed and we're pissed off too. But we gotta be pissed off at the right people and get them to change their minds because they made a mistake, a big mistake and they can fix it.
So tonight we play this one for all the soldiers in the LGBT community.")
19. I Am A Patriot-(Van Zandt)
20. Sleeping By Myself (Ed forgets the lyrics in the bridge. He asks to try it again and has to quickly sing the entire song under his breath to get to the bridge and carry on)
21. Come Back (for a dad named Peyton and a friend of the band Dr. Michael Richter (sp)
22. Sad
23. Lightning Bolt (Ed stops playing guitar, though the song continues, to point out somebody in the pit misbehaving. Other people in the pit point at the guy and security finds him. As they are taking the guy out Ed tells him to “give it up, we already caught you being a douchebag, you are out of here. See you next time.”)
(Ed comments that it is their fifth show and there haven’t been any knuckleheads until tonight and that guy got caught right away “so that is a pretty good average.”. Pointing to a tall, heavily bearded guy in the stands he says, “I really thought you would have been a problem but no…The guy joking gestures at Ed that he is only a little problem. Ed spots his female companion and says, “oh that is why, see what a good woman can do?” The next song is spontaneous request)
24. In My Tree
25. Breath (Ed lets some folks on the barricade sing a bit of the middle eight)
(Ed puts on what looks like a Bernie Sanders hat and reflects light off of a pick guard on his guitar. He doesn’t play during this song but his tech hands him one so he can shine it around the venue)
26. Do The Evolution
27. Porch
Encore Break Two
(Ed thanks the audience member that gave him the hat he is wearing, “It’s a little bit dirty but can you read it? Warren is Elizabeth Warren, and speaking of cool women, This woman has been with us forever and it is her birthday today.” They sing Happy Birthday for Liz who is the production manager for the tour and has worked for the band for a very long time.
28. Elderly Woman Behind The Counter In A Small Town
Mike wrote the next song and the band want to play it for Jennifer Jaff. She passed away a couple of years ago. Mike talks about Jennifer Jaff Care line, a patient advocacy group founded her.
29. Inside Job
30. Black
31. Alive
32. Rockin' In The Free World-(Young)
33. Indifference
Please share your experiences of the show here...the Fanview threads are preserved on the board.
Please keep the Fanview threads for Fanviews. It's ok to begin another thread on discussions of other topics and/or debates.
Thank you!
Thanks John for the set list & notes.
Post edited by Sea on
We had to make a real tough call, and we had to make a call about what we would do about a situation in North Carolina. Because they’ve got a law there that broadly broadly discriminates against a whole group of people. And I can’t tell from here if you’re booing North Carolina, if you are booing us for having to decide that we are not going to play there, I would understand that too. It was a hard process because we really thought we could still play and make things right and that we could fortify all the people on the ground looking to repeal this despicable law, we thought we could take the money and give it to them and still play the show. But the reality is there’s nothing like the immense power of boycotting and [pulling] a string, and it’s a shame because people are going to be affected who don’t deserve it, but it could be the way that ultimately is going to affect change, again we just couldn’t find it in ourselves in good conscience to cross a picket line […?]. So we apologize to those in Raleigh, we apologize to those who are going to Raleigh, we apologize to the locals who probably believe in the same things that we do. They have a reason to be pissed, and we’re pissed off too. But we gotta be pissed off at the right people and get them to change their minds because they made a mistake, a big mistake, and they can fix it. So tonight we play this one for all the soldiers in the LGBT community. [I Am A Patriot]
St. Louis 2000
Champaign 2003
Indy 2003
St. Louis 2004
Cincinnati 2006
Indy 2010
Hampton 2016
Lexington 2016
EV Bourbon and Beyond 2017
Chicago N1 2018
Chicago N2 2018
Nashville 2022
St Louis 2022
Oklahoma City 2022
Denver 2022
Chicago N1 2023
Chicago N2 2023
Noblesville 2024
Chicago N1 2024
Chicago N2 2024
Baltimore 2024
Boston N1 2024
Boston N2 2024
East Troy, Wisconsin - Sept 3. 2011
East Troy, Wisconsin - Sept 4, 2011
Charlottesville, Virginia - Oct 29, 2013
Hampton, Virginia - Apr 18, 2016
The Raleigh decision left a lot of people bitter. You guys might not have seen it on the Periscope but the GA pit was dead from Patriot through Lightning Bolt. (It didn't help that Sleeping had several horrible mistakes.) Ed looked concerned and trying pulling out all the stops to get the crowd going. Good audible to In My Tree to save the show.
Opening set was bland. There was just a bad vibe. Sirens after three slow songs was a bad call. It killed all momentum.
People booed the Raleigh discussion and then a lot of people just kind of tuned out the show. Couldn't they have announced AFTER the show?
Breath was awesome. Indifference was a nice closer though an odd message to pair with cancelling Raleigh. Inside Job rocked. But this was an odd, odd show.
06: Camden, Washington DC, 08: Va Beach, Washington DC
09: Philly 2+3, 10: Bristow, 11: East Troy PJ20 1+2, 13: Baltimore, Charlottesville
Breath 2 nights in a row, plus inside job....
Fuck NC
Let's go Columbia!!!!
2011 - Alpine 1 & 2 --- EV - Providence & Boston - Tres Mts - Boston
2012 - Missoula
2013 - Wrigley, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, Worcester 1 & 2, Philly 1 & 2, Hartford
2014 - Detroit, Moline, St. Paul, Milwaukee
2016 - Greenville, Hampton, Columbia, New York City 1, Fenway 1 & 2, Wrigley 1
1998 Va. Beach \\ 2000 Va. Beach ~~ Columbia, Md. \\ 2003 Bristow, Va. \\ 2006 DC \\ 2008 Va. Beach ~~ DC \\ 2010 Bristow, Va. \\
2013 Charlottesville, Va. \\ 2016 Hampton, Va. ~~ Fenway 1 & 2 ~~ Wrigley 1 & 2 \\ 2022 Nashville ~~ St. Louis ~~ Oklahoma City \\
2023 St. Paul 1 & 2 ~~ Austin 1 & 2 \\ 2024 Vegas 1 & 2 ~~ Indianapolis ~~ Wrigley 2 ~~ MSG 1 & 2 ~~ Philly 1 & 2 ~~ Fenway 1 & 2 \\
"Fuck NC" is a pretty ignorant statement, but I'm onboard with your enthusiasm for Columbia!
As for the show... I've lost count and it feels like a top 10 for sure just based on the set list alone. I do agree the crowd showed their displeasure during the NC discussion but it certainly didn't take away from the vibe at all other moments. Great show! Did you see the set list.?.
I thought that the NC decision was the elephant in the room all night. I'm sure I'm not alone but I kept waiting for the band to make a statenent. I'd' have prefered if it was addressed up front. I even thought EV's chatter was awkward and forced at times. He seemed more relaxed after making his comments during the encore. From my seat I did not think the boos were all that bad. Heck I grew up in Philly, I know booing. And for people from out of the area, there is a fierce river between VA and NC in all things college sports. I wold not be surprised if most of the boos were for just mentioning NC. I'm affected by the cancelation as well but ok with the decision.
I thought the sound sucked from my seat. All night.
Was anyone else secretly hoping for No Way to be played after Faithful...
arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to
slide in sideways, BBQ sandwich in one hand, cold beer in the other,
body thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and screaming "Woo Hoo what a
Any more details on this guy, anyone have an interaction? What was he doing?
'06: Irving Plaza, East Rutherford 1 & 2 '07: Lolla '08: Camden 2, MSG2, Beacon
'09 :Philly 1 & 2 '10: Buffalo, Newark, MSG1, MSG2
'11: PJ20 1 & 2 '12: Missoula '13: Wrigley, BK2, Philly 1 & 2, Hartford
'14: Ams 1 & 2, Cincy, St Louis, Detroit, Moline '15: Central Park
'16 Philly 1 & 2, MSG 1 & 2, Toronto 1 & 2, Fenway 1, Wrigley 1
'17 Brooklyn hall of fame ‘18 Fenway 1 '21 Jersey Shore '22 MSG '24: MSG1, MSG2
'92 Stanhope, '98 Washington, DC (VFC), '00 Merriweather Post, MD, '03 Nashville, TN, State College, PA, Holmdel, NJ, '04 Reading, PA (VFC), '05 Philadelphia, PA, 06 Camden, NJ, East Rutherford, NJ, '08 Camden, NJ (I and II), 09 Philadelphia, PA (II and III), '10 New York, NY, '13 Baltimore, MD, Charlottesville, VA, '16 Hampton, VA, Philadelphia II, '22 MSG II, '24 Philadelphia, PA (II), Baltimore, MD, 08 Newark, NJ (Vedder Solo), '16 TOTD Upper Darby (I)
19th show and Inside Job was the best 6+ minutes of any show i've been to. Especially being 5 rows back from the stage on McCready's side to see my favorite song. You could feel the vibe and I just knew they would be playing it later on. It's amazing how everything in life is so connected. It's mindblowing how people can connect so deeply in the craziest of ways. Top 3 show for me even though Ed was drunk, sloppy, and all over the place
Trieste 14, Vienna 14, Gdynia 14, Leeds 14, Milton Keynes 14, Denver 14
Central Park 15
Fort Lauderdale 16, Miami 16, Tampa 16, Jacksonville 16, Greenville 16, Hampton 16, Columbia 16, Lexington 16, Philly1 16, Philly2 16, NYC1 16, NYC2 16, Quebec City 16, Ottawa 16, Toronto1 16, Toronto2 16, Fenway1 16, Fenway2 16, Wrigley1 16, Wrigley2 16
2008 - Bonnaroo
2009 - Chicago 1
2010 - St Louis, Columbus, Indianapolis, Washington D.C
2011 - Pearl Jam Twenty Festival
2012 - Music Midtown Festival
2013 - Wrigley, Dallas, Oklahoma City
2014 - St. Louis, Memphis
2016- Greenville, Lexington, Bonnaroo, Wrigley 1
I cannot speak for everybody but, my belief is, canceling the show over the HB2 law was TOTALLY the correct thing to do and I am honored to get to add another reason why I am proud to be a Pearl Jam fan. To the PJ organization, great job and thank you for standing up for people.
But, with that said, (there is always a “but,” isn’t there? :-) ) I think the timing of the announcement really killed the Hampton show vibe for a lot of people who were also planning to see them in Raleigh on Wednesday. The decision to cancel didn’t have most upset - the timing on when it was told to everybody was what bummed people out.
Anyway, to add to the disappointment, the overall sound was horrible. Was hearing great things about the venue before the show but we must have been in a dead spot or something. Cannot explain why it was so bad but probably more to do with the location of our seats in the venue then anything the bad was/was not doing. Greenville had much better sound and Hampton was the complete opposite of the Charlottesville sound.
Wasn’t a huge fan of the set but, that is so personal from one person to another, there is no need for me to go into that.
For those who loved the show, I am pumped that you enjoyed yourself and thanks for sharing with us. Glad to hear it was not a night wasted.
Looking forward to Columbia.
96 - Charlotte / Charleston
98 - Atlanta
00 - Charlotte / Greensboro / Atlanta
03 - Raleigh / Charlotte / Mountain View / San Diego / Bristow
04 - Asheville
05 - Philadelphia
06 - Washington, DC / Las Vegas / San Diego
08 - Virginia Beach / Washington DC
09 - Philadelphia (28th)
10 - Bristow
11 - East Troy (3rd) / East Troy (4th)
13 - Charlottesville / Charlotte
14 - Memphis
16 - Greenville / Hampton / Raleigh / Columbia / Boston (5th)
18 - Boston (2nd) / Boston (4th)
20 - Nashville / Baltimore
22 - Nashville / Baltimore
24 - Las Vegas (16th) / Las Vegas (18th) / Baltimore
Hampton 2016
Sort of felt bad for the guy, but I'd never bring a fucking sign in the pit knowing that it's just going to block everyone's view. I feel bad enough if I break out my iPhone to snap a pic or two.
It was my first time getting lucky enough to have GA tickets for PJ. I've never had 10c ticket luck. I met a bunch of nice people and no one was pushing or shoving and other than that one incident it was very peaceful. I did expect it to be a little more crazy up front and center, but I'd rather it be a little calm than a mosh pit.
I was a little disappointed in the sound. I felt like because the main speakers were basically behind us, the sound felt dead and flat. I can't complain too much being 4 rows dead center from the stage.
Jeff and Mike switched instruments for Rockin. Jeff, Mike and Stonet had a blast during song.
Ed was really feeling it and connected with crowd all night.
Matt was on fire.
They rocked hard AF but left a lot of space in show, too.
Ex bounced around all night like an 18 yr old. Put on two truckers caps backwards, looking like the 10 days.
This beat any show from 2000-12 and idiots are complaining. Not for you, dumb PJ fans.
They were right to cancel the NC show. Yes, they probably could have timed their decision a little better but I will forgive my favorite band for the last 25 years. Plus I'm going to both MSG shows in 2 weeks so life goes on for most PJ fans.
Lame crowd? There are thousands of people at every show who you wonder why they're there. I was 3rd row on the floor behind GA and stood next to a guy who might as well have been a cardboard cut-out. But I had a beer, sang along at the top of my lungs, and forgot he was there.
3 hours. 33 songs. I Am Mine. Not For You. Long Road. Habit. In My Tree. Breath. Inside Job. And people are complaining? People!?
Ed: Hartford 6-19-11 / Austin 11-11-12 / Tempe '19
2010: Bristow
2012: Atlanta
2013: Charlottesville, Charlotte
2014: Cincinnati
2016: Greenville, Hampton, Raleigh (cancelled), Columbia, Lexington
For your bootleg review needs or recommendations- http://pjbootlegreviews.blogspot.com/