Pearl Jam Ottawa Concert Pre-Party with guests Sons of Pearl (PJ Tribute Band)

Come celebrate the much anticipated return of Pearl Jam in our Nation's Capital (PJ Concert on May 8th 2016) with a live performance of Ottawa-based PJ Tribute Band Sons of Pearl at St-John's Pub in Arnprior on May 7th. It will be an epic weekend for PJ fans in Ottawa!


  • FredKFredK Posts: 7
    Gear up for Ottawa's much anticipated Pearl Jam concert with our...
    Here at The John St. Pub in Arnprior, Ontario.

    The John St. Pub
    129 John Street North, Arnprior, Ontario

    Saturday May 7, 2016
    Doors Open at 9:00pm
    Showtime is at 9:40pm

    Ottawa's Sons of Pearl
    A Tribute to Pearl Jam
  • IgotshitIDIgotshitID St.john's Newfoundland Posts: 895
    Nice!! Anyone with an extra ottawa GA let ne know :)
    St.John's 9/24/2005
    St.John's 9/25/2005
    Toronto 9/11/2011
    Toronto 9/12/2011
    Quebec City 5/5/2016
    Ottawa 5/8/2016
  • FredKFredK Posts: 7
  • Chris519Chris519 Posts: 150
    Looking for a pair ANYWHERE in the lower bowl or 200s.
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