Looking to trade for Gorge Box, Santa Barbara 03 poster, S/M Wrigley t-shirts, Bridge '10 poster

Hi, I am looking for the items above and have a few items I am willing to part with (plus cash on either side to make up balance) including:
New Orleans '10 poster
PJ 20 movie poster (won in scavenger hunt)
Ukulele Songs Hardcover book
PJ20 BluRay
PJ20 Alpine Shirt L (Brewers Logo)

Also have non-PJ posters from MMJ (signed Roll Call) and Black Crowes (2005 Fillmore show posters).



  • ZodZod Posts: 10,742
    I don't think the Gorge box is out of print. I think Amazon sells it for about 50 bux and there's 3rd party sellers on Amazon that sell if for closer to 25.
  • jimmyjamjimmyjam Posts: 23
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