Looking to trade for Gorge Box, Santa Barbara 03 poster, S/M Wrigley t-shirts, Bridge '10 poster
Hi, I am looking for the items above and have a few items I am willing to part with (plus cash on either side to make up balance) including:
New Orleans '10 poster
PJ 20 movie poster (won in scavenger hunt)
Ukulele Songs Hardcover book
PJ20 BluRay
PJ20 Alpine Shirt L (Brewers Logo)
Also have non-PJ posters from MMJ (signed Roll Call) and Black Crowes (2005 Fillmore show posters).
New Orleans '10 poster
PJ 20 movie poster (won in scavenger hunt)
Ukulele Songs Hardcover book
PJ20 BluRay
PJ20 Alpine Shirt L (Brewers Logo)
Also have non-PJ posters from MMJ (signed Roll Call) and Black Crowes (2005 Fillmore show posters).