
5 years ago - Tsunami in Japan

pearljimpearljim Posts: 1,306
5 years ago in March the Tsunami hit Japan. I reached out to this community about purchasing bracelets my daughter and I had made for a 5 dollar donation. We first did a white one (PJ Fans one with Japan) which quickly sold out and then a red one (Fight to get it back again - Japan).

Thanks to your generosity we raised 1000 dollars which was donated to the Japanese Red Cross.

Anyways I found a bag of the red bracelets and if anyone wants one I'll mail it for free anywhere in the world. Also if you are the first person to come up to me wearing your bracelet at a PJ pre party I will buy you a drink. I will be attending 6-8 shows this year (currently
If you have a chance to make life better for others, and fail to do so, you are wasting your time on this earth.

Roberto Clemente.
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