Drumming Magazines

Anyone subscribe to any drumming magazines? I've been thinking of doing it but I can't decide between Modern Drummer and Drum! or even a third if you know of one that I don't yet. From what I've read around online it seems like MD has more substance and is more serious but Drum! is more flashy and intriguing. I'd be looking for something that has a good balance between interviews and features on pro drummers and also tips and articles on improving your own drumming. They're roughly the same price, so if anyone knows anything about them and has an opinion on one or the other I'd like to hear it!


  • Croos1226Croos1226 philly burbs Posts: 343
    I would say you can't go wrong with either magazine, but I think MD has been around longer than Drum! I am partial to MD because my brother used to subscribe back in the day and that is the mag I grew up with. I can't say anything bad about Drum!, I'm sure it's a great mag but MD will always be my go to drum mag for me. It's like you stated above, i'll take substance and history over flash any day. Kinda like having Matt behind the drums for PJ....he isn't the flashiest player I've ever seen but would you want anyone else?
  • Of The AggieOf The Aggie The ATX Posts: 1,541
    I just subscribed to MD and like it. I did the digital-only subscription through the app and it works great. Drum! Magazine's app is horrendous or I probably would have subscribed to both. It tells you the subscription is $16 for a year then when you go to buy it, it jumps to $25. There is no support for it at all. Although I think both magazines' content is ok.
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