Pearl Jam Fan Documentary!

Hey fans,
My name is Mike Dozier and I'm a filmmaker working on a Pearl Jam fan documentary. I've been a fan since I was a 91 and have always been fascinated at my own appreciation for the band, along with how so many others relate to Pearl Jam's music. I want to capture the uniqueness of being a Pearl Jam faithful. I want to hear the personal stories on how Pearl Jam has helped you or shaped who you are and find the common string that ties all of us Pearl Jam fans together. What is it about this particular band that can have such a strong affect on such a large group of fans for this long. If you're curious about the project give us a like on Facebook. Also, if you have an inspiring story on how Pearl Jam's music has changed your life email me at I would love to hear it and maybe film it! Thanks for you time. I never used the message boards. Hope I'm not crossing the line or anything. :)
Keep on Rocking!
Mike Dozier
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