Amp suggestion

Hey gang

After 20 years of playing classical and acoustic guitars, I finally grew a pair and bought the guitar of my dreams: a Fender American Deluxe Ash Butterscotch.

Let me start by saying that I'm far from a decent player. I started late at 17 and never had training of any sort. Most of what I know i learned from friends after beers etc. Basic chords, nothing fancy.

I live in NYC in an apartment. With a newborn (baby boy Liam just turned one month). I want to enjoy this electric guitar experience but there are tons of things i have no idea about including amps.

I don't want to spend a fortune on a amp. I also understand that I shouldn't just get a $25 amp and plug it to my new axe....

What do you guys suggest? Something good that i'll enjoy for $200-$300? New/used?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


Severed Hand


  • dudemandudeman Posts: 3,119
    In that price range, I'd look into the Fender Vibro Champ XD and Fender Super Champ XD. They both have tube preamps and power sections, onboard effects for experimenting with tones and they sound good without having to upgrade anything right off the bat.

    Congrats on the new guitar but moreso, congrats on the new baby! Be sure to teach little Liam the proper way to rock and roll!
    If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
  • gimmesometruth27gimmesometruth27 St. Fuckin Louis Posts: 23,332
    if you want something that is not super expensive that has tubes, you can try the blackstar ht-1. it is a 1 watt tube amp. not very loud at all, but it sounds really warm and it sounds good. a lot of people use it for recording. you can get it with or without reverb. mine has no reverb.

    looking back i should have gotten the ht-5. basically the 5 watt version of the ht-1.
    "You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry."  - Lincoln

    "Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
  • Thanks everyone for the input.

    I ended up getting an Orange 20RT. Let's see how it does. $200 new.
    Severed Hand
  • Thanks everyone for the input.

    I ended up getting an Orange 20RT. Let's see how it does. $200 new.

    You got yourself a good amp!
    Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
    "Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
  • Orange amps are worth every penny and more
  • ehbaconehbacon Posts: 1,971
    I've got a Fender Princeton 650 used for $200, awesome amp.

    Although i see you already got yours haha
    Listen to some of my music here (if you want to): [url="My soundcloud"]
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