Wrigley contest


  • Only two entries so far. Amazing
  • MonkeyDan72MonkeyDan72 Posts: 683
    edited February 2016
    So, I want to help someone else see Wrigley 2. I'm offering a contest to win the chance for my other 10c ticket. The cost is $94... My member number is under 200xxx
    I'll be selecting the winner May 5th. Please don't enter if you can't make the show, and please don't enter if your goal is to flip the ticket. The winner is walking into Wrigley with me.
    Three parts to the contest...
    1. If you were a PJ record, which record would you be?

    2. One ORIGINAL picture that shows your example of what PJ means to you. (Photo, drawn, graphic)

    3. 100 words or less to describe your first PJ experience.

    If you've never seen them, then describe what seeing PJ would mean to you.
    If you win you allow permisson for me to share the winning entry.
    Only one entry per person!
    Please include your Reddit name in the entry!!
    Enter at: PJwrigley2@outlook.com
  • 3days3days Posts: 1,188
    Good on you. That's a really generous and cool idea.
  • 3days said:

    Good on you. That's a really generous and cool idea.

    Feel free to enter :hang_loose:
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