Unique Ticketing Situation & Perspective
I know lots of us are seeking out tickets right now, but I'm hoping to make some magic happen. Some of you may know my son Joshua, he's one of the biggest PJ fans out there. He has cerebral palsy and PJ has been his motivation and inspiration throughout his life.
You can see our earlier thread about how much the band means to him with some videos. The thread is listed on the porch as Tiny guy, Big Fan.
I struggle with finding the word to express the love that Joshua has for the band and their music. It's a pure love that none of us probably could even understand. His world is far different than ours.
To give you a quick glimpse into his journey, we made this video. Also, there is more videos of Joshua and his love for PJ on my you tube page.
For his 10th birthday in April, we really wanted to take him on his first PJ road trip. We've had an organization reach out to us to assist us in funding our trip, but have not been able to secure accessible seating. If anyone can help, we would really appreciate it. This is a very special opportunity for us and we would like the chance to enjoy a PJ road trip as a family.
Thanks for your time!
You can see our earlier thread about how much the band means to him with some videos. The thread is listed on the porch as Tiny guy, Big Fan.
I struggle with finding the word to express the love that Joshua has for the band and their music. It's a pure love that none of us probably could even understand. His world is far different than ours.
To give you a quick glimpse into his journey, we made this video. Also, there is more videos of Joshua and his love for PJ on my you tube page.

For his 10th birthday in April, we really wanted to take him on his first PJ road trip. We've had an organization reach out to us to assist us in funding our trip, but have not been able to secure accessible seating. If anyone can help, we would really appreciate it. This is a very special opportunity for us and we would like the chance to enjoy a PJ road trip as a family.
Thanks for your time!
Post edited by stina1118 on
2006-5-09 Toronto
2007-8-03 (ed w/ ben harper) chicago / 2007-8-05 chicago
2008-8-12 (ed solo) toronto
2009-10-08 (ed solo) Albany
2011-9-11 Toronto / 2011-9-12 Toronto
2013-7-16 London, ON / 2013-7-19 Chicago / 2013-10-12 Buffalo
2016-5-11 Toronto, On / 2016-5-13 Toronto, On
yes any information on a particular show you are looking for?
2006-5-09 Toronto
2007-8-03 (ed w/ ben harper) chicago / 2007-8-05 chicago
2008-8-12 (ed solo) toronto
2009-10-08 (ed solo) Albany
2011-9-11 Toronto / 2011-9-12 Toronto
2013-7-16 London, ON / 2013-7-19 Chicago / 2013-10-12 Buffalo
2016-5-11 Toronto, On / 2016-5-13 Toronto, On
An organization has offered to help us, but they want to be anonymous until they have definitive answers for us. They have offered to cover costs of transport, our accommodation and tickets. They are doing their best to help us find tickets, but they're not a huge organization, so they can't promise anything.
They have expressed to us that they want do this for us so we could be just like regular concert goers for a couple of days. It's what this organization does, helps people overcome extraordinary circumstances to get to shows. Making this happen for Joshua means a lot to our family and we are so grateful for their assistance.
Its hard to imagine that doing something like this for Joshua would be possible without their help.. It would allow us to extend out of our comfort zone and do something so amazing for Joshua. Even more so, its hard to believe that we could be like a regular family for a few days and share this experience with him.
When combing through dates, baby sitters for my three year old and things like that... We have a limited amount of shows that are within a reasonable driving distance. MSG is completely a long shot and not really even a consideration. Philly is within a reasonable driving distance, we have a sitter and the dates work.
Wrigley is very close for us, but its a very intimidating situation and wouldn't want to consider it unless it was a perfect scenerio and we were out of options. I know that may sound picky... But, the weather would play a huge role in Joshua's experience. He has very high muscle tone and his muscles constantly contract, because of this he tends to get overheated fairly easily. Chicago heat and humidity in August would make it almost not worth the risk.
As you can imagine, theres a lot of consideration to put in taking a special needs child like Joshua to a show. Climate, driving distance, etc. Additionally, we will have to be "strategic" to ensure Joshua can tolerate the crowds prior to the show. He sometimes gets overwhelmed easily because he has an underdeveloped nervous system. It's funny, his PJ can be on full blast no problem... But, a simple sound like a dog barking can send him into a meltdown.
So, we will see where all of this takes us... Either way, we are so hopeful that we will get this figured out.
Thank you again!!!