
I used to be a cigarette smoker and when I quit for good a friend said, "Now remember, the most obnoxious anti-smokers are ex-smokers. Don't do that!" That was a good lesson. I don't condone cigs but I also don't criticize smokers. I will try to remember that lesson.
In the past, I have said "I'm mostly vegetarian or "I'm getting closer to being a vegetarian". When I said those things they were true. Today is the first day I have referred to myself as a vegetarian.
I hope for two things:
1)That I don't cave in to eating meat again and
2)That I somehow find a way to encourage others to go vegetarian and at the same time never criticize anyone who chooses not to.
And for those who are vegans, I admire you but I'm not ready to give up local eggs (I have friends with chickens) and goat cheese. Please go easy on me. Thanks!
In the past, I have said "I'm mostly vegetarian or "I'm getting closer to being a vegetarian". When I said those things they were true. Today is the first day I have referred to myself as a vegetarian.
I hope for two things:
1)That I don't cave in to eating meat again and
2)That I somehow find a way to encourage others to go vegetarian and at the same time never criticize anyone who chooses not to.
And for those who are vegans, I admire you but I'm not ready to give up local eggs (I have friends with chickens) and goat cheese. Please go easy on me. Thanks!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
Hope I didn't go too hard on you, B
(that's what she said!)
I must admit, I'll miss my awesome chicken burgers.
but i have weakness for roast or a nice
shank or steak
hopefully in paradise God invents a
new fruit or vegetables that taste just like
various meats..
one can dream..
its sooooooooooooo gooooooooooood
i know if you do your homework it is easy
to become vegan but my problem is that
i crave meat
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Good for you OP. Keep at it!
Just curious.
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Kind of like religion, to which you alluded.
Live and let live. I have better things on which to take a dump!
I do eat fish/seafood.
Just no red meat/pork/mammals.
Not to judge you or anyone here but just to say, the reason I decided to go vegetarian (actually have done so off and on before) was through reading about how 90% of ocean fish are over-fished and how environmentally harmful farmed fishing is. Also, the effect goes on land when considering the many millions of pounds of fish each year are fed to poultry and other animals that become meat on the table. If we don't let the oceans and ocean fish recover the ocean ecosystems will die (this is happening) and if that happens, we will die.
The other thing I've read is that soy beans and soy bean products are good for women but not a healthy food for men. I'll have to look into that again to be able to say why (it has something to do with hormone levels) but I know I'd read that a number of times.
What's also sad is that even if we as a country decide to change practices, implement stronger regulation, etc. you still have countries who can and will do their own thing...much like carbon emission. There needs be a global initiative for cleaning our oceans and assuring those ecosystems remain undisturbed and/or sustained.
Any fish and seafood I consume has to be wild caught, completely sustainable and I investigate where it came from and the fishery who pulled it in. There are websites and apps that help in this as well as ratings of those fisheries.
For birds, I only eat locally raised, organic-vegetarian fed free range (cage free/no cage). In a pinch, I'll get Whole Foods organic free range birds, but I prefer to do as much local (produce too) as possible.
I feel more people need to be aware and concerned about the food they put in their bodies, not only for personal health, but for the greater good of the environment.
I love seafood and some other meats (duck & lamb) too much to become vegetarian. Could never be vegan since I just love cheese too much, and also some other reasons that are more appropriate for a different thread.
Soy is actually not very good for women. 95% of the world's soy is GMO and it disrupts the estrogen production in women-I can look for an article if you like. I love soy so now I buy organic, which is not supposed to have bad effects.
- Christopher McCandless
This is the most straightforward article I could find. Most are 'scare tactic' articles, that you can read to get the jest of what they are trying to say...
There are articles that do explain the difference between GMO and organic soy...I just have to weed through all the fear mongering ones.
- Christopher McCandless
Seems to me I read somewhere that if men eat soy they can get hormones that can give them big-time man boobs. Not my thing- I think I'll pass on soy beans, tofu, etc. until I find out more about this.
I know there are preachy vegetarians out there but I've run across several self-described carnivores that are way more obnoxious about dietary choices than any of the vegetarians I know.