What the fuck is wrong with the USA????

This being an election year,many people will go to their voting stations and blindly cast their vote for who they think will better lead the country. Unfortunately every person on the ballot is unfit,untrustworthy,and corrupt to take us in a positive healing direction. We have a total lack of senators who fail to represent the very people who voted them in. ISIS wouldn't even exist if not for US intervention in the middle east. Long lingering problems like hunger,poverty,unemployment,disease,and the enviroment continue to be left uncheck. Will anybody even ask their respective leaders if they even read whats included in a bill before they send it off to become law? I who guess not. So wheather you think Trump,Clinton,Sanders,or whoever else will project us toward any kind of improvement,you will be sadly mistaken. Why did our current president wait until his last year in office to use executive powers to help stem gun violence in south Chicago? How many lives could have been saved in the 7 years prior? Black Lives Matter? My ass!!! Not according to this administration or any other. The pieces have been placed exactly where they need to be by the elite. Ahhhh...i needed to get that out. Thanks for reading.
Obama kept us out of major warfare for 8 years, if you think Romney would have done the same, it is you who is sleeping.
The traction that Ron Paul got that got into some main stream... followed by what we are seeing with Bernie Sanders now... and even with a sector of the Trump supporters... is all a good sign. Its moving slowly, but people are fed up with the status quo
are they one in the same in that they are politicians?
they are polar opposite. at least romney had some liberal in him when he was governor. he was forced to run away from romneycare, the exact same law as obamacare, which was romney's crowning achievement in government.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
But that's not where it ends for me. Like I said, if we all went out and did at least a little something we would see more of the changes we want. I went to out state Capitol last year and showed support for an end of life bill that was expected to fail. We made it pass. I'm certain of that. We wrote letters, called representatives and showed up at hearings. Those who say, "Well fuck it, it doesn't work, I'm not going to waste my time," have no right to complain because I've seen it happen.
The world is crumbling fast. We don't have the luxury of pessimism.
However, many Americans care only about their stuff, Kardashians, 5 minutes of youtube fame, guns and ~insert any idiotic fad here~
And people saying there's no difference in candidates and your vote doesn't matter is just cynical passivity taking over.
Her plan is worth checking out:
I think it's a much shorter list.
The indiscriminate bombing of tens of thousands of Iraqi troops and civilians retreating from Kuwait is one of the most heinous war crimes in history.
The cabs of trucks were bombed so much that they were pushed into the ground, and it’s impossible to see if they contain drivers or not. Windshields were melted away, and huge tanks were reduced to shrapnel.
“Even in Vietnam I didn’t see anything like this. It’s pathetic,” said Major Bob Nugent, an Army intelligence officer. This one-sided carnage, this racist mass murder of Arab people, occurred while White House spokesman Marlin Fitzwater promised that the US and its coalition partners would not attack Iraqi forces leaving Kuwait. This is surely one of the most heinous war crimes in contemporary history.
A Newsweek article on Norman Schwarzkopt, titled “A Soldier of Conscience” (March 11,1991), remarked that before the ground war the general was only worried about “How long the world would stand by and watch the United States pound the living hell out of Iraq without saying, ‘Wait a minute – enough is enough.’ He [Schwarzkopf] itched to send ground troops to finish the job.” The pretext for massive extermination of Iraqi soldiers was the desire of the US to destroy Iraqi equipment. But in reality the plan was to prevent Iraqi soldiers from retreating at all. Powell remarked even before the start of the war that Iraqi soldiers knew that they had been sent to Kuwait to die. Rick Atkinson of the Washington Post reasoned that “the noose has been tightened” around Iraqi forces so effectively that “escape is impossible” (February 27, 1991). What all of this amounts to is not war but a massacre.
2015 in America: 46,500 reporters, 208,000 PR people
(per @BLS_gov data)
August 20th was Earth Overshoot Day in 2013
August 19th was Earth Overshoot Day in 2014
August 13th was Earth Overshoot day in 2015.
We're going the wrong direction.