Help a Jammer out. Trying to get a Grateful Dead 50th poster for my girlfriends birthday

TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
edited January 2016 in Lost Dogs
So far people on expressobeans are kinda being a pain so I thought I would test my luck here. I personally am in no way a deadhead, I am a casual listener but my girlfriend is obsessed and if I could get a GD50 print for her for her birthday (feb 28) it would be amazing. You all have been really good to me on here, truly like a family and I try to return the favours as often as I can. I would really like to get the Grateful Dead Chicago 15 Welker print but pretty much if anyone has a Fare Thee Well print they want to offer I'll look at it and consider. With her she doesn't really collect posters or anything but she loves to appreciate and admire the art so really it's about that.

Anyways, I just finished classes so money for me is tight, but I am willing to negotiate. I am gonna link my discogs and expressobeans so you all can see what vinyls and prints I have if a trade could be possible. I also have other merchandise (shirts,mags,hats,hoodies,bootlegs,stickers,dvds,etc.etc.etc) shoot me a PM and we will talk.

Thank you for looking.
Post edited by TFlyer on


  • kasedougkasedoug The Golden State Posts: 2,975
    Not a concert poster, but you could try your luck winning this framed picture from the GD50 show that Relix Mag is giving away. It's the last day to enter.
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    Thanks for the tip, I usually don't do those "spam all your social media accounts" contests but again thanks and I'll try my luck
  • sheckyshecky San Francisco Posts: 2,296
    edited January 2016
    Try the source - the 'Grateful Dead 50' website.
    Some posters are on sale for only $15.00 - $30.00.
    About as affordable as you're going to find.
    Post edited by shecky on
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    Bump to see if anyone can help me. Ill get one off the site if need be.
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,702
    Someone help this guy out. He was very active in my Bowie search. Good guy
  • Go to and buy her the tryptic poster. $180.00 for the three of them is a great deal!
  • hensodhensod Posts: 192
    edited January 2016
    Good luck and I hope that you get the poster for your GF, wish I could help you out!
    Post edited by hensod on
    ISO, vinyl: Avocado, Binural, Riot Act, Lost Dogs, Benny
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    Thanks everyone for the kind words, as I said before being a student in my mid-twenties money is a bit tight right now so ideally I'll be able to trade (or half trade half cash?) for it and at this point I'm prety much opening my entire collection to trade. I have one possibility at the moment we are just talking things over to see if we can come to an arrangement.

    If it needs be I'll grab one off the site shecky pointed out or try and get one off ebay for not too much.

    Adulting sucks :lol:
  • NatashapearljamfanNatashapearljamfan Australia Posts: 3,777
    Bump if anyone could help TFlyer, that would be awesome :bee:
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    Just so I know what you are looking for, is this the print:

    If so, I will try to keep my eye out for a copy for you.
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    SD48277 said:

    Just so I know what you are looking for, is this the print:

    If so, I will try to keep my eye out for a copy for you.

    Ideally yes thank you so much.

    Also thanks @Natashapearljamfan :)

  • jjflashjjflash Posts: 5,001
    TFlyer....I don't have the poster but do have a sweet Fare Thee Well sticker that came last year w/ my Dave's Picks subscription (measures 3"x3"). PM me your address and I'll mail it to you to include w/ the package you give to your lady. Best of luck finding the poster!
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    jjflash said:

    TFlyer....I don't have the poster but do have a sweet Fare Thee Well sticker that came last year w/ my Dave's Picks subscription (measures 3"x3"). PM me your address and I'll mail it to you to include w/ the package you give to your lady. Best of luck finding the poster!

    Thanks a bunch man! I sent you a pm, your generosity and help will not be forgotten :rock_on:
  • jazzbo26jazzbo26 Framingham, MA Posts: 790
    If you have the clear Bowie Blackstar, you can get your girl a poster and take her out for a nice dinner too!
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    jazzbo26 said:

    If you have the clear Bowie Blackstar, you can get your girl a poster and take her out for a nice dinner too!

    Uhm, not sure if you're being funny or sarcastic or what? I literally just got that from Barnes And Noble at the store price so?

    Anyways bump for relevancy?

  • jazzbo26jazzbo26 Framingham, MA Posts: 790
    No sarcasm, it's reselling for $200 and up on ebay.

  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    Im aware for how much it's reselling for. I didn't buy it to resell it, but when I found out it's worth I decided it isn't getting opened and being framed. I don't think I will be parting with it in anycase. Thank you for trying to help.
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    edited January 2016
    Bump. Not really making any progress, I've had contact with some people but the wheels are just spinning really.

    Looks like I may have to get one of those ones that are on sale I guess?

  • hrd2imgnhrd2imgn Southwest Burbs of Chicago Posts: 4,905
    I have this print and would sell it if interested,PM me
    not sure if it is what you are looking for, but it is GD 50th anny
  • SD48277SD48277 Posts: 12,243
    When is the deadline to find this?
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    SD48277 said:

    When is the deadline to find this?

    Trying to get it at latest the week before her birthday(feb 28)? I don't want to stress about it arriving to me in time and if I'll have it to give to her on her birthday?
  • NatashapearljamfanNatashapearljamfan Australia Posts: 3,777
    Bump :bee:
  • TFlyerTFlyer DMV (dc,md,va) Posts: 881
    Thanks again everyone for their assistance in trying to help me out. Thanks to everyone who bumped this, and thanks a lot to @jjflash for the sticker you are sending me.

    While it isn't the print I wanted I was able to get my hands on one of the Fare Thee Well Swope prints for a deal which could not be passed up and I think she will like it just as much.

    Again thank you all very much!
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