painting bowling balls full of smaller flowers using a van motor

please stop doing yourself a pirate ship
you're not that vicious
no stinky ass beard or fire swims from you
you can beat sunlight with your two fists
but don't do that
smile instead
bring me a set of laughter
have us music
because we can do this like that
love this late winter day
we'll light a crystal room or two
plugging everything into opening ceilings
like grape wines wrapped pleasantly in sleep
lifted with forever & ever
wild horses prance with songbirds going on
hung chimes from our sun porch become dolphins when clouds are still
lasting here throughout all of the lands
all of the years together we have put life's grand puzzles
sometimes wrought iron holds us together as a old manor
crawling inside ivy & gardens
frozen or flowing fountains do deliver each day
opened under star fields, moon pieces & sun blasts
all of the day's nights
but you'd never see all this magic
the mystics slipped away the old shadows
now are none gone from here like dropping away into the sea
as fragile as a king
his queen there
her throne velvet songs as strings strum
a crisp standing forest
has let us know this
while dazed surprised curtains flung themselves about
thrilled with all of this song & castle strength
what can you say the sun
when gentle snow fell last dark time
you're not that vicious
no stinky ass beard or fire swims from you
you can beat sunlight with your two fists
but don't do that
smile instead
bring me a set of laughter
have us music
because we can do this like that
love this late winter day
we'll light a crystal room or two
plugging everything into opening ceilings
like grape wines wrapped pleasantly in sleep
lifted with forever & ever
wild horses prance with songbirds going on
hung chimes from our sun porch become dolphins when clouds are still
lasting here throughout all of the lands
all of the years together we have put life's grand puzzles
sometimes wrought iron holds us together as a old manor
crawling inside ivy & gardens
frozen or flowing fountains do deliver each day
opened under star fields, moon pieces & sun blasts
all of the day's nights
but you'd never see all this magic
the mystics slipped away the old shadows
now are none gone from here like dropping away into the sea
as fragile as a king
his queen there
her throne velvet songs as strings strum
a crisp standing forest
has let us know this
while dazed surprised curtains flung themselves about
thrilled with all of this song & castle strength
what can you say the sun
when gentle snow fell last dark time
for poetry through the ceiling. ISBN: 1 4241 8840 7
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
trying opening with the rest
lotus flowers sit low & high clouds
restless tigers where she is bored fixed to walls
she'll sound tears filling air pieced together with miserable timing
i'll be across over on black island with lonely stones having lost our way
a bitter wolf skinny
outlining moon craters howl
going nuts where it aint right
offshore a few hard sailors (blasted) downing rum
their nonsense holds a polished brass spyglass telescope
you would imagine mothers' mastered better days
another hopeless mess of music hits guitar hands where no lit lighthouse screams with the wolf
you would
i would not
screaming banshee
a fiddler's place without eyes has no gold pieces in his case
he sits playing sideways for no one
trees remain blown aloud bowed
still playing on
string player's horsehair bow dives across distances between sky & fingers
a sun & a willow try to remind him where she will be writing her diary next
her dreams
she pen
her cares
she holds
her glistening undone self
it's just a hungry green & purple catapulted-vaulted-lid as vast as imagination dares
her poor smile relit lotus
from time to time
snow rainbows hit me
my mouth broken
beat by miracles
whipped into joyous dance
i saw all marching valley dandelions whisper within another wind & another wind
easy far puff dances at a constant pleasure filled float
this is where she lies the soft bed down
a waiting open candle or two storms in my chest
she'll come down
autumn like
when before this very winter you shoulda saw these forests let loose & slip away
a cold grave of twigs snap footprints
trusting paths circle pillows where we hold on
where without asking for or trying for spectacular dreaming has their ways with us
it's not as simple as it seems
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
...thanks to you
how happy will you be when going
while slipping from your mind
a heartbeat not any longer had
i think about this often
reminded by life we all go away
we all happened from our beginnings
selective stars thrown to the ground
it was felt like hammers & breast bones met as shorelines
you spun chaos about the room
bloodied up
mountains bloated weep coming & going
shrinking blasts
you can hear each sun sin in darkness
it is as countless as bone cancer
or a ripping instrument for pain
you're born
you're no more
a diamond hidden or exposed
black curtains made of stone
lead weights come down long halls of life
nothing new in feeding oceans' deep bottom
dragging across coral all our dreams
all our fears
every bit of our happiness way beneath buried
we can not understand this swirl
this is time untied
no more roar from beasts
where the crying moon still lands like always far off & naked
alongside the lost highway we can not remove ourselves from
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
threw it
a grandmother's, a mother's basket of yarn
she stood there like a puddle during a rain
where nighttime prances around playing throughout her & i
this area of fog delivers dandelion soft once burnt off
you'll see shadows on roofs run across leaping from limb & glass with what appears to be steel claws catching rides on low clouds & startled stampedes of cattle, donkey & fish
nothing will surprise this night
or ones like it
when all of a sudden there you are
flexing with the forest floor
through windows night-birds sing
we roll with the river flying off
sweet comes in form of candle lit current
our endurance's name 'a meandering monarch congregating'
wide & high boulders lace the bank
a friend wets our throats for us
as you sing under passing willows
we'll be there soon where we want to be sailing on smooth smoke
a silky living trance we pass through
unlocking doors
harvesting all we know & hold
gathering all our tears on wind's quiver
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
we passed sage around 700 years ago
where a hawk flew through the web
a black widow inside the sky
moon's romance against earth's blood
another waterway filled passion
her damp ceiling gathering stars unseen
a rainy night inside got led zeppelin calling
ancient hills in thump
being inside you'll feel everything in heaving
the caves all ours
every escapes all night long
even rivers run love down like a big fucking drum from the sun
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
we passed sage around 700 years ago
where a hawk flew through the web
a black widow inside the sky
she from far away fruit my tears
moon's romance against earth's blood
another waterway filled passion
her damp ceiling gathering stars unseen
a rainy night inside got led zeppelin calling
ancient hills in thump
being inside you'll feel everything in heaving
the caves all ours
every escapes all night long
even rivers run love down like a big fucking drum from the sun
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
could have been beavers' tails smacking ponds
it exploded way back there behind our heads
smooth ancient asian silks down the runner
something exploded a light bulb
we went down there with old christmas lights draping guitars
a few dulcimers & tomorrow's lessons brought us to keith moon
he stood at least 7ft tall at least
a squirrel rounded his shoulders
in & out of his shirt sleeves back up his back
no one home at our address the call closed "shakin all over"
he told us as friends
all teary eyed
out there a birdbath
robin's goin to town
the clothesline movin groovin
nothin there but too much
a breeze can not keep up
sold out was a spectacular scene opening like a canyon holding all the clouds & exciting skies of darkness & fire colliding as one could ever remember floating through in spirit form
like chains wrapped around seas & ships
we're done
we're goin down real rough in equivalent
nothin easy but breakin glass
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
she's as beautiful this going down sun
branches willow soft ride across her breath
tangling up through her hair
blackness creeping up sprinkled in shine
early this night you can tell she's sleepy
it is what sounds like a harp far off over several hills
across water
over shade trees where silk is spun
treasure chests as restful
never opened
she'll soon sleep against me
dreaming will have us both
songs will emerge
some will color mix & so a sky does this
just before winter others die away falling around us
you'll hear this gold (fade)
brown as crisp shells
(carpet our feet)
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce
every time the aftertime becomes settled on reading your prosary
she'll walk right up grabbing love from fruit trees
skipping stones with clouds across the sky
suddenly she is a song on a wing
you'll hear her breeze doing a soft scream
driving across those low fields
sometimes ice & war
or warm & green in love
she had ran with color
drew gray on white canvas valleys & archways
hid like a seed before its sun gave hold
grew grapes on the vine as old as time
here she traded dreams of luster for touch
her only tears allow rain everyday
she'll be forgiven
not forgotten
she'll be your spring giving drink
pushing on roots chasing deep earth
or leaves up top bouncing themselves across golden touched pieces of air only as perfect as her hair crowned by nature's brilliance, starfire shine, waterfall drops spraying across her shoulders where hummingbirds nest & taste it all
"Hear me, my chiefs!
I am tired; my heart is
sick and sad. From where
the sun stands I will fight
no more forever."
Chief Joseph - Nez Perce