Standing desks, anyone use one at work and like it?

Since doctor's are saying sitting is equal to smoking cigarettes and apparently sugar is like heroin, I am considering asking the college for one. I am a therapist, so I already do a fair amount of sitting during the work week. Anyone have one and like it? Are you able to type well?
Fuckus rules all
If I were to be in an office, I would love the idea of a standing desk. I am no longer at a desk job, though.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I don't think your request to the university is unreasonable - they should order you one up.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.
I'm frequently up and down at work too, so when I need a change from my desk I just do my stuff at one of the higher counters outside of my office. Definitely good and healthy to mix it up.
Those that can be trusted can change their mind.