The end of the year

justamjustam Posts: 21,412
edited December 2015 in Poetry, Prose, Music & Art
At the end of the year
there's a lot of paperwork to do
there's a bit of time to ponder the months past
clear out clutter
drop some debris
take useful stuff to goodwill
it's time to make charitable donations
(before it's time to pay taxes)
that's not the reason we do it
but it's a side benefit
taxes are coming due
even those of us who aren't making much
we've gotta pay the IRS
they get more than the children
they get whatever they ask for and we can't say "No"
I've been watching the birds out my kitchen window
hoping their happiness will rub off on me
I've been coping with new people
some nice, some kind, some horrible...
it always seems like there's a bowl of crunchy folks to sort through!
and I have to try to get along where I'm dropped
I have to make sure I get my mind in the right space
(breathe and let go)
I've gotta find Hope when it's hidden
I have to stay kind to please myself
I don't know where the New Year is going
I have to believe it's somewhere Good
I only know I've gotta keep trying
and reinvent myself again
there's no choice
we're in a New Place now
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