J.R. Richards - Original Singer Dishwalla has awesome new solo album! Honore et Amore

J.R. Richards - original voice of Dishwalla has an awesome New Album "Honore et Amore" out now On iTunes: http://apple.co/1lCg9KQ or at his Merch Store: http://jrrichardsstore.bigcartel.com/ & additional info, streaming and links at www.jrrichardsmusic.com
As some of you were around in the 90's know the hit 'Counting Blue Cars' was on major airplay rotation in 1995-1996 era. Yes, back when radio actually played Rock. This new album has some of the best rock vocals in the business with cool Alternative Rock song writing. J.R.'s a great guy as well. Check it out ! Highly recommended.
As some of you were around in the 90's know the hit 'Counting Blue Cars' was on major airplay rotation in 1995-1996 era. Yes, back when radio actually played Rock. This new album has some of the best rock vocals in the business with cool Alternative Rock song writing. J.R.'s a great guy as well. Check it out ! Highly recommended.
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