Tool&Primus 2016 Tour



  • TL170678TL170678 Near Louisville, in Indiana, closer to Kentucky Posts: 422

    I scored 1 ticket for the 2nd show in SD! I wanted 2 but got shut out online and at the same time I was on the phone with TM and finally got 1 at about 10:05. I messed up too...I should've kept having the system repeat it's options until right at 10:00 AM, but I restarted the call and probably missed my chance on getting two tickets. But Phone Orders -1 and Online Orders - 0!!!!

    Hell yea...It`s a shame you could only get 1...I was checking their Facebook page....Looks like a lot of people are angry.
  • joseph33joseph33 Washington DC Posts: 1,293
    These outlets have damaged the industry and are hurting the musicians in the long run. Dont see why there isnt a limit on how many tickets an outlet can buy to prevent mass scalping.
  • RS151862RS151862 Pittsburgh, PA Posts: 2,688
    Pittsburgh 1998 • Pittsburgh 2006 • 2012 Isle Of Wight Festival • 2012 Made In America Festival • Baltimore 2013 • Seattle 2013
    St. Paul 2014 • Mexico City 2015 • Philadelphia II 2016 • Ottawa 2016 • Amsterdam I & II 2018 • Wrigley Field II 2018 • Phoenix 2022
    Apollo Theater 2022 • Chicago I 2023 • Baltimore 2024

  • TL170678TL170678 Near Louisville, in Indiana, closer to Kentucky Posts: 422
    Thx, good read.

  • This ticket scene sounds like a disaster. That sucks...... Congrats to those who scored, to those that didn't, check back with TM each morning in the two weeks before the show. It's not uncommon for them to add additional tickets back into inventory.

    Good luck!
  • crowes74crowes74 Posts: 273
    Merkin Baller, I've got some great seats to hard to get shows like that. Seen Vedder at the Fox in St.louis years back with a ticket released day before show, second row. I've always had better luck four days or so proper to showtime. Those fan club, radio promotion, venue reserved seats, are usually pretty sweet.
  • crowes74 said:

    Merkin Baller, I've got some great seats to hard to get shows like that. Seen Vedder at the Fox in St.louis years back with a ticket released day before show, second row. I've always had better luck four days or so proper to showtime. Those fan club, radio promotion, venue reserved seats, are usually pretty sweet.

    : ) That's good to hear!

    When tool last played Boston (January 2012) - I checked TM a lot in the days leading up to the show looking for an upgrade. I already had a single seat in the 12th row, there was no beating that seat, but every time I checked there were different / new tickets available.

    Have faith people, & keep checking TM - f the scalpers!!!
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