it would be stressful responsibility and not so rosey as people paint it despite the priviledges thats if you were a proper king or queen assigned for the people not for themselves the right way with the added blessings to make up for the time you dont get to enjoy yourself fully its only fair and protection and security to the max because you alone are not the only dependant on it.. but it would be nice if we had true peace on earth malroth i agree but we all have free will so we need to be proven whats right to conform to superiors this is why there is a war spiritual and physical it still has to be proven who was right in the beginning and that is that man cannot rule man
money,protection and power physically and spiritually its alot to deal with but what does it matter its not important, whats important is you love well and are loved are happy and most of all are satisfied the rest is useless if you dont have these three things and you can live without the latter with these three things ive seen the poor more happy and satisified than the powerful and the rich...
at some point in my life i ''believed'' i had none of these which is like being dead and scornfully defensive and hateful from hurt my sickness can easily slip back to that belief which scares me and humbles me im still waiting on baby jesus under the trash to gain my trust again from all the hurt but that is my problem i guess i can only relate to those crying for help with no answer if theres a purpose in that i guess i dont know but mercy i do love to the repentant and obedient and justice i love to those indulging in wickedness
even if I look and act really crazy.
but it would be nice if we had true peace on earth malroth i agree but we all have free will so we need to be proven whats right to conform to superiors this is why there is a war spiritual and physical it still has to be proven who was right in the beginning and that is that man cannot rule man
even if I look and act really crazy.
Can only imagine.
But really guys, concubines.
Mormons almost got it right.
even if I look and act really crazy.
even if I look and act really crazy.