Rolling Stone Magazine just unveiled their newest cover shot today. Thought my neighbors to the north would get a smile from it: Also, a flattering article about him:
I'll put it this way, when I went to Parliament Hill for the WE Day concert, I applauded all the speakers but him. Fucker's lucky news of the Khadr deal hadn't broken, because then I would have booed him (I consciously chose not to do so). That said, I'll give him this bit of credit (that has zero to do with being a good PM): he had no remarks put into the teleprompter, but ended his string of platitudes right when his timer ran down to zero. (And don't get me started on his mother's ramblings that day, lol.) If other's were allowed to express their hatred of Harper, then I feel entitled to mine, sorry.
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Rolling Stone Magazine just unveiled their newest cover shot today. Thought my neighbors to the north would get a smile from it: Also, a flattering article about him:
I'll put it this way, when I went to Parliament Hill for the WE Day concert, I applauded all the speakers but him. Fucker's lucky news of the Khadr deal hadn't broken, because then I would have booed him (I consciously chose not to do so). That said, I'll give him this bit of credit (that has zero to do with being a good PM): he had no remarks put into the teleprompter, but ended his string of platitudes right when his timer ran down to zero. (And don't get me started on his mother's ramblings that day, lol.) If other's were allowed to express their hatred of Harper, then I feel entitled to mine, sorry.
I'll start with the Khadr thing: How do you blame that on Trudeau?? It was the Harper government that fucked that entire thing up completely and necessitated that settlement. Why exactly do you dislike him so much (other than blaming the Harper/Khadr fuck up on him)? What has he done as PM that negatively impacted you? I am not saying you shouldn't express your hatred of him. I certainly openly expressed my hatred of Harper.... But I had a lot of specific, well-researched, and long-proven reasons to hate Harper. What are your specific reasons to hate Trudeau? Just curious. I see plenty of Trudeau-hate on social media, but I never see anyone actually give any reason for it, except that they don't like how much the media loves him... I also get the impression that some people seem threatened by his good looks and charm, lol. And I suppose some people don't like how positive he is. Oh, and of course those who hate helping Muslim refugees don't like him one little bit. That is one definitive reason some hate him. For me, that's something I like about him.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Regarding Khadr, it was the Chretien/Martin governments that screwed him, not the Harper government. All Harper's government did was fight repatriation, standing on their principles. None of the court judgments actually dictated any redress to Khadr beyond repatriation, so this payout was a choice by the current government (likely motivated by a desire to make the various Liberal governments' associations with the family fade into distant memory - remember, it was Chretien that got the father released by Pakistan instead of having him face charges that in retrospect were based in fact, then the family ran off to Afghanistan). Without reopening the Khadr debate, I've never seen him as a child soldier or anything other than someone who was (knowingly, if not willingly) providing aid and support to this nation's enemies. So, in short, Trudeau owns this decision, and it's almost precious for him to put forward the "we're saving the taxpayers money" argument after his abandoning of "modest" deficits and his largesse in giving our tax dollars away on the international stage. (Sorry for the (possible) run-on paragraph, return key's not working? I don't know what's going on, lol). Now, as regards Trudeau outside of the Khadr deal, the only policy of his I liked leading into the election was the legalization of pot. Promising deficits in relatively good times isn't sound police by most counts, showing the he's "just not ready". The ethics issues that have cropped up haven't helped (especially since he promised to do things sooo differently). His government has actually been more secretive than the evil Harperites were on most files, and many of his (now-adopted) policies are actually resuming Harper's, policies he heavily criticized while in opposition. His "gender-balanced" cabinet reads to me as quota hiring, which is putting lipstick on a different style of legislation. Last year, it really, really bothered me that he went for a similar photo-op he'd criticized Harper for doing (touring the Fort Mac fire zones, meeting with the firefighters), yet seemingly avoided meeting with the victims (I'd complain about Harper doing the same, just to be clear). Last thing I'll mention right now is how he parades around the world claiming to be some sort of environmental champion, while his policies (pipelines) and his actions (he's making one hell of a carbon footprint with his constant, even incessant travels, could he not use carbon footprint to help plan his schedule?) just don't jive with that image. And to clarify one angle to this, I don't agree with the deification of any politician (or person, for that matter), there's a lot of Dear Leader feel to the adulation being thrown at Trudeau. Hope all the above makes sense and clarifies my opinion of the man a little bit, lol.
"The world is full of idiots and I am but one of them."
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
"All" the Harper government did was refuse repatriation, standing on their principles? Gee. You kind of made my point there. But yes okay, the previous government is also at fault. I have no qualms with that perspective. The Harper government sure as shit didn't try and help the situation to say the least, and I think they violated the rights of a Canadian, which is the only issue here. I see the settlement as necessitated by all of the circumstances that led up to that though - I feel that it was purely out of respect for the rights of all Canadians, and has absolutely nothing to do with Khadr or any feelings about terrorism whatsoever.
I feel like you're overstating some things. His government hasn't been more secretive than the Harper government,
not even close, so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that.
As for deficits, I think those are necessary for the same reasons he
does. Again, that is just a difference in perspective/principles I
guess. I VERY strongly disagree with you on the equal cabinet thing, and
TBH I find that view offensive as a woman. I think that attitude about
it dismisses the fact that those women ARE just as or more qualified
than any of the other male options. Having equality in the cabinet does
not mean the cabinet could otherwise be better at all, and at the same
time it is very meaningful for the sake of improving equality in
general - the message that sends is something I find 100% necessary, given that I truly believe it is sent without any kind of sacrifice whatsoever. On the contrary. I fully supported that move. As far as the Fort Mac thing
goes.... well, the guy just can't win. I remember this very well, and
conservatives first shit all over him for not going sooner (he held off
for a while so as not to distract from the emergency still unfolding) and
then shit on him again when he went (and yes, he did meet with victims).
I do agree about the environmental thing. While he is LIGHT YEARS
better than the Harper government in this sense already, he does
overstate his dedication to it. Some would argue that he's stuck between
a rock and hard place (the oil economy vs environment), but I think if
he really cared that much he'd just go for it - reject the pipelines and
truly focus on the renewable energy sector. That said, I newer thought in a million years that ANY federal government was going to reject new pipelines at the end of the day. I am not that gullible, lol. So while I don't like it (as someone who lives literally a few blocks from where they want to terminate the Kinder Morgan pipeline and double the size of the storage facility - this pipeline could literally kill me or destroy my neighborhood), I am generally cynical when it comes to the oil industry and government, and this applies to Trudeau as much as anyone else. I guess the silver lining is that he did indeed block one of the pipelines from going through, which is better than nothing.
I think it's pretty unreasonable
to criticize the leader of a nation for traveling though. There isn't
anything he can do about that - he travels as much as any national
leader should - he's not the leader of Greenpeace, you know? And he didn't act like he was when he campaigned. I feel like many criticisms aimed at him are pure
bullshit, and that is an example of that. As for the "dear leader" thing... I sincerely don't get why people think it's a bad thing for a leader to exude confidence and charm and to be appealing to the international masses. I also don't see a problem with citizens really liking their leader for personality reasons. I can totally tell that it really bothers some people... but tough shit I guess? Maybe they are jealous that the guy who leads the party they don't support is just sooooo much more likeable and charming and better looking than that lego-haired, beady-eyed, cardigan-wearing, boring-as-shit, constipated, sinister, fundamentalist dickweed who preceded him? Haha, I am serious about that, but I also know that not only Harper-likers dislike Trudeau just because he is charming and likeable... I think it's a bit of a petty viewpoint.
I am glad you can acknowledge how great his push to legalize is though. Anyone against that is a fool IMO. Now we just have to wait and see how well or badly the provinces handle the roll out. I have faith that BC will do okay there, since we're already halfway there in Vancouver anyhow. Sounds like Ontario and Montreal need to pull their shit together a bit in this regard, but I'm sure it will all be fine in the end. Nobody said that legalizing weed would be easy.
The thing Trudeau did that upset me the most was how fucking wussy he ended
up being with the doctor assisted suicide legislation, which is something very important to me. Yeah, sure, we got some half-hearted, semi-effective (at best) law passed, which is certainly better than nothing, but the restrictions on it still ensure real suffering for those who want to end it. I couldn't believe it when the Senate actually said they wanted to make changes and those changes were rejected outright. I don't know why Trudeau balked on that so much - it's not like he needed to reign it in so much unless death with dignity actually goes against his own personal morality, which I'd find hard to believe. So what was that really about? Who was he trying to please?
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Forgot to post something about her stepping down over the weekend, but better late than never.
I'll raise a glass to this!
Now she can live the rest of her life with her shameful past as a corporate lackey: pimping out our resources to her greatest supporters.
She'll like end up doing something where she can still get all that sleazy schmooziness out of her system. But I am extremely glad to hear that she's not considering federal politics...... at least not yet.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Forgot to post something about her stepping down over the weekend, but better late than never.
I'll raise a glass to this!
Now she can live the rest of her life with her shameful past as a corporate lackey: pimping out our resources to her greatest supporters.
She'll like end up doing something where she can still get all that sleazy schmooziness out of her system. But I am extremely glad to hear that she's not considering federal politics...... at least not yet.
Her friends that she gave fat contracts to are getting axed by the NDP who are cleaning house. The gig is up for that gaggle of shitheads.
Is it unrealistic to expect the NDP to forgo "existing rules" fundraisers before the law is changed (assuming it actually does get changed....) or should this have been an important "start as you mean to go on" situation? I tend to think the latter. And are they so strapped for cash that they really need the extra $20,000 now despite the bad press that this brings?
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
^^^ I hope the rest of the provinces get on board with this fast. I think it's great. Off the top of my head I believe it is only Alberta and New Brunswick that have his so far.
^^^ I hope the rest of the provinces get on board with this fast. I think it's great. Off the top of my head I believe it is only Alberta and New Brunswick that have his so far.
Quebec has said that they will be doing also in the fall. I can see this being extended to all the provinces.
Is it unrealistic to expect the NDP to forgo "existing rules" fundraisers before the law is changed (assuming it actually does get changed....) or should this have been an important "start as you mean to go on" situation? I tend to think the latter. And are they so strapped for cash that they really need the extra $20,000 now despite the bad press that this brings?
I don't personally have an issue with a $100 - $500 golf fundraiser in the first place, so I don't feel invested in this issue. However, I think it's pretty dumb to criticize something and then go ahead and do it. I don't really get the thinking behind that, but I'm imagining that Horgan's advisers campaign managers pushed for this, and for some reason Horgan didn't put his foot down about it. He should have. Oh well. I can't say I give a shit either way about piddling donations like $500 golf fundraiser stuff. I care about massive corporate donations that tie into political lobbying.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Looks like Ontario will be giving women free access to abortion bill starting Aug. 10.
Very happy about this. woman will still need to have a valid health card and a prescription.
Did you mean free access to the abortion pill (as opposed to the morning after pill)? I.e. without a prescription or CareCard? Just go pick it up at the pharmacy, over the counter? If so, that is a good idea. Women shouldn't have to go to a doctor about this if it's not necessary to for health reasons.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Looks like Ontario will be giving women free access to abortion bill starting Aug. 10.
Very happy about this. woman will still need to have a valid health card and a prescription.
Did you mean free access to the abortion pill (as opposed to the morning after pill)? I.e. without a prescription or CareCard? Just go pick it up at the pharmacy, over the counter? If so, that is a good idea. Women shouldn't have to go to a doctor about this if it's not necessary to for health reasons.
My understanding is that the woman will still need a medical assessment and prescription, but then the medication will be provided for free. I think the assessment piece is important as there are medical contraindications to the use of the medication and follow up should be arranged to ensure that the abortion is complete.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Looks like Ontario will be giving women free access to abortion bill starting Aug. 10.
Very happy about this. woman will still need to have a valid health card and a prescription.
Did you mean free access to the abortion pill (as opposed to the morning after pill)? I.e. without a prescription or CareCard? Just go pick it up at the pharmacy, over the counter? If so, that is a good idea. Women shouldn't have to go to a doctor about this if it's not necessary to for health reasons.
My understanding is that the woman will still need a medical assessment and prescription, but then the medication will be provided for free. I think the assessment piece is important as there are medical contraindications to the use of the medication and follow up should be arranged to ensure that the abortion is complete.
Oh, I misread fife's post. I thought it said women WON'T need to have the card and a prescription. From that I just assumed that if they were willing to do that, it must be safe. But they aren't so it isn't, lol. Anyway, great. It's right that it should be free. If a regular abortion is free, then the abortion pill should be too.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I think JT is doing a great job so far. there's a few things that have surprised/disappointed me. But he's actually doing better than I thought he would.
Post edited by HughFreakingDillon on
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
I think JT is doing a great job so far. I'm disappointed that he reversed his position on election reform since it no longer will benefit him, but so far that's my only real criticism of him. He's actually doing better than I thought he would.
I agree.
Our neighbours have managed to set the bar real low... so, in comparison, we could have Peter Griffin as our Prime Minister and feel pretty damn good about it. As it stands however, we are doing well!
I think JT is doing a great job so far. I'm disappointed that he reversed his position on election reform since it no longer will benefit him, but so far that's my only real criticism of him. He's actually doing better than I thought he would.
I agree.
Our neighbours have managed to set the bar real low... so, in comparison, we could have Peter Griffin as our Prime Minister and feel pretty damn good about it. As it stands however, we are doing well!
I edited my post because, after reading darth's post, it reminded me of more than just the one criticism I had of him. But by and large, I think he's still holding strong.
and yes, compared to Trump, a pig would do a phenomenal job, but I think JT is doing a good job even without that comparison.
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
75 years without parole meets minimum standards for me (it is not what he deserves... but it's the harshest he could possibly receive from a country that typically thinks a harsh sentence is denying Tim Hortons to anyone that murders multiple people (let alone children).
It's still too good for the scumbag: "The little girl was taken from her crib to a campsite, which was partially owned by Saretzky's family, where he choked her to death with a shoelace. He said "a little prayer'' over the girl before he drank her blood, ate part of her heart and burned her body in a firepit."
75 years without parole meets minimum standards for me (it is not what he deserves... but it's the harshest he could possibly receive from a country that typically thinks a harsh sentence is denying Tim Hortons to anyone that murders multiple people (let alone children).
It's still too good for the scumbag: "The little girl was taken from her crib to a campsite, which was partially owned by Saretzky's family, where he choked her to death with a shoelace. He said "a little prayer'' over the girl before he drank her blood, ate part of her heart and burned her body in a firepit."
Yah. He should die.
I always look forward to my daily dose of thirty bills hyperbole! LOL
"Oh're beautiful when you're drunk" -EV 8/14/93
75 years without parole meets minimum standards for me (it is not what he deserves... but it's the harshest he could possibly receive from a country that typically thinks a harsh sentence is denying Tim Hortons to anyone that murders multiple people (let alone children).
It's still too good for the scumbag: "The little girl was taken from her crib to a campsite, which was partially owned by Saretzky's family, where he choked her to death with a shoelace. He said "a little prayer'' over the girl before he drank her blood, ate part of her heart and burned her body in a firepit."
Yah. He should die.
I always look forward to my daily dose of thirty bills hyperbole! LOL
This is the second article I've read in two days about The Rebel, which I had not previously heard of. Apparently our Breitbart, which goes a little way to answering a question posed earlier on this thread or the prior one about who is Canada's alt-right.
This is the second article I've read in two days about The Rebel, which I had not previously heard of. Apparently our Breitbart, which goes a little way to answering a question posed earlier on this thread or the prior one about who is Canada's alt-right.
I have never heard of The Rebel either... I find it disturbing that it seems like many Conservatives are defaulting to this kind of shit and, indeed, forming some kind of Canadian alt-right movement. To me this seems like a REALLY immature way to deal with the fact that Canada seems to be leaning left now. Immature, and dangerous. I feel like a lot of it is fueled by racism/xenophobia, and we all know that that kind of focus devolves quickly. We don't need any more of that shit here than we already have. Also, I just find it pathetic. These are the same people who troll social media threads, ready to bash the PM for literally every little move he makes. I.e., photo of the PM on vacation or taking some free time? Photo of PM smiling? Photo of PM at a Pride Parade? Statement from the PM about visiting the wildfire zones? Statement from PM about inclusiveness after some hate crime? All warrant automatic FURY from the right, and somehow such things are leading to the complete destruction of the nation. Ridiculous, but worrying at the same time. We all have a shining example of what happens when enough idiots get this kind of thinking stuck in their slow-witted brains.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Quebec being Quebec, they're always going to be touchy about the language, and I understand (even if I don't completely agree with) their requirement that francophone children go to francophone schools. I had no idea that they try to forbid students from choosing English schooling once they are at the college or CEGEP stage, though.
This one related more to Canadian politics, or at least BC politics. Apparently the BC Liberals are mightily pissed that one of their own took the position as Speaker, effectively removing another vote from their side.
With the balance that tight, it was always going to be a tough decision, but I really think they could have behaved with a bit more grace. Someone needed to step up and be Speaker. They claim it's because he wasn't up front about it, and who knows, maybe he wasn't, but I can understand why he wouldn't be, ahead of the announcement. He would have been innundated.
This one related more to Canadian politics, or at least BC politics. Apparently the BC Liberals are mightily pissed that one of their own took the position as Speaker, effectively removing another vote from their side.
With the balance that tight, it was always going to be a tough decision, but I really think they could have behaved with a bit more grace. Someone needed to step up and be Speaker. They claim it's because he wasn't up front about it, and who knows, maybe he wasn't, but I can understand why he wouldn't be, ahead of the announcement. He would have been innundated.
Is just BC Liberal sour grapes IMO. Obviously they were hoping some NDP MLA would do it so that the balance of power would work in their favour, obviously. When that didn't work out they decided to focus all their blamey feelings at Plecas, who I assume just did this for his own more personal reasons more than anything else, but also perhaps is acknowledging that his Lib party shit the bed, so he is just going to move forward from that. I'm trying to think about how I'd feel if I were (god forbid) a BC Liberal supporter.... would I be pissed off about how things have gone in this epic saga? .... It's really hard to imagine supporting that party after all these years of bullshit. But I think more of my accusations would be directed at fucking Christy Clark. She's the one who ruined the party, not Plecas. Seems like Plecas knew it too.
Post edited by PJ_Soul on
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
Perhaps this is an indication of government inefficiency: I just got a purchase order from the Saskatchewan Legislative Library.... and they faxed it. They were lucky we even still have an operating fax machine... I'm not sure why we do - apparently it's the first fax we've received in over a year, lol.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
I'll put it this way, when I went to Parliament Hill for the WE Day concert, I applauded all the speakers but him. Fucker's lucky news of the Khadr deal hadn't broken, because then I would have booed him (I consciously chose not to do so). That said, I'll give him this bit of credit (that has zero to do with being a good PM): he had no remarks put into the teleprompter, but ended his string of platitudes right when his timer ran down to zero. (And don't get me started on his mother's ramblings that day, lol.) If other's were allowed to express their hatred of Harper, then I feel entitled to mine, sorry.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
Why exactly do you dislike him so much (other than blaming the Harper/Khadr fuck up on him)? What has he done as PM that negatively impacted you? I am not saying you shouldn't express your hatred of him. I certainly openly expressed my hatred of Harper.... But I had a lot of specific, well-researched, and long-proven reasons to hate Harper. What are your specific reasons to hate Trudeau? Just curious. I see plenty of Trudeau-hate on social media, but I never see anyone actually give any reason for it, except that they don't like how much the media loves him... I also get the impression that some people seem threatened by his good looks and charm, lol. And I suppose some people don't like how positive he is. Oh, and of course those who hate helping Muslim refugees don't like him one little bit. That is one definitive reason some hate him. For me, that's something I like about him.
(Sorry for the (possible) run-on paragraph, return key's not working? I don't know what's going on, lol).
Now, as regards Trudeau outside of the Khadr deal, the only policy of his I liked leading into the election was the legalization of pot. Promising deficits in relatively good times isn't sound police by most counts, showing the he's "just not ready". The ethics issues that have cropped up haven't helped (especially since he promised to do things sooo differently). His government has actually been more secretive than the evil Harperites were on most files, and many of his (now-adopted) policies are actually resuming Harper's, policies he heavily criticized while in opposition. His "gender-balanced" cabinet reads to me as quota hiring, which is putting lipstick on a different style of legislation. Last year, it really, really bothered me that he went for a similar photo-op he'd criticized Harper for doing (touring the Fort Mac fire zones, meeting with the firefighters), yet seemingly avoided meeting with the victims (I'd complain about Harper doing the same, just to be clear). Last thing I'll mention right now is how he parades around the world claiming to be some sort of environmental champion, while his policies (pipelines) and his actions (he's making one hell of a carbon footprint with his constant, even incessant travels, could he not use carbon footprint to help plan his schedule?) just don't jive with that image.
And to clarify one angle to this, I don't agree with the deification of any politician (or person, for that matter), there's a lot of Dear Leader feel to the adulation being thrown at Trudeau. Hope all the above makes sense and clarifies my opinion of the man a little bit, lol.
10-30-1991 Toronto, Toronto 1 & 2 2016, Toronto 2022
I feel like you're overstating some things. His government hasn't been more secretive than the Harper government, not even close, so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on that. As for deficits, I think those are necessary for the same reasons he does. Again, that is just a difference in perspective/principles I guess. I VERY strongly disagree with you on the equal cabinet thing, and TBH I find that view offensive as a woman. I think that attitude about it dismisses the fact that those women ARE just as or more qualified than any of the other male options. Having equality in the cabinet does not mean the cabinet could otherwise be better at all, and at the same time it is very meaningful for the sake of improving equality in general - the message that sends is something I find 100% necessary, given that I truly believe it is sent without any kind of sacrifice whatsoever. On the contrary. I fully supported that move. As far as the Fort Mac thing goes.... well, the guy just can't win. I remember this very well, and conservatives first shit all over him for not going sooner (he held off for a while so as not to distract from the emergency still unfolding) and then shit on him again when he went (and yes, he did meet with victims).
I do agree about the environmental thing. While he is LIGHT YEARS better than the Harper government in this sense already, he does overstate his dedication to it. Some would argue that he's stuck between a rock and hard place (the oil economy vs environment), but I think if he really cared that much he'd just go for it - reject the pipelines and truly focus on the renewable energy sector. That said, I newer thought in a million years that ANY federal government was going to reject new pipelines at the end of the day. I am not that gullible, lol. So while I don't like it (as someone who lives literally a few blocks from where they want to terminate the Kinder Morgan pipeline and double the size of the storage facility - this pipeline could literally kill me or destroy my neighborhood), I am generally cynical when it comes to the oil industry and government, and this applies to Trudeau as much as anyone else. I guess the silver lining is that he did indeed block one of the pipelines from going through, which is better than nothing.
I think it's pretty unreasonable to criticize the leader of a nation for traveling though. There isn't anything he can do about that - he travels as much as any national leader should - he's not the leader of Greenpeace, you know? And he didn't act like he was when he campaigned. I feel like many criticisms aimed at him are pure bullshit, and that is an example of that. As for the "dear leader" thing... I sincerely don't get why people think it's a bad thing for a leader to exude confidence and charm and to be appealing to the international masses. I also don't see a problem with citizens really liking their leader for personality reasons. I can totally tell that it really bothers some people... but tough shit I guess? Maybe they are jealous that the guy who leads the party they don't support is just sooooo much more likeable and charming and better looking than that lego-haired, beady-eyed, cardigan-wearing, boring-as-shit, constipated, sinister, fundamentalist dickweed who preceded him?
I am glad you can acknowledge how great his push to legalize is though. Anyone against that is a fool IMO. Now we just have to wait and see how well or badly the provinces handle the roll out. I have faith that BC will do okay there, since we're already halfway there in Vancouver anyhow. Sounds like Ontario and Montreal need to pull their shit together a bit in this regard, but I'm sure it will all be fine in the end. Nobody said that legalizing weed would be easy.
The thing Trudeau did that upset me the most was how fucking wussy he ended up being with the doctor assisted suicide legislation, which is something very important to me. Yeah, sure, we got some half-hearted, semi-effective (at best) law passed, which is certainly better than nothing, but the restrictions on it still ensure real suffering for those who want to end it. I couldn't believe it when the Senate actually said they wanted to make changes and those changes were rejected outright. I don't know why Trudeau balked on that so much - it's not like he needed to reign it in so much unless death with dignity actually goes against his own personal morality, which I'd find hard to believe. So what was that really about? Who was he trying to please?
Forgot to post something about her stepping down over the weekend, but better late than never.
Now she can live the rest of her life with her shameful past as a corporate lackey: pimping out our resources to her greatest supporters.
Is it unrealistic to expect the NDP to forgo "existing rules" fundraisers before the law is changed (assuming it actually does get changed....) or should this have been an important "start as you mean to go on" situation? I tend to think the latter. And are they so strapped for cash that they really need the extra $20,000 now despite the bad press that this brings?
Very happy about this. woman will still need to have a valid health card and a prescription.
I hope the rest of the provinces get on board with this fast. I think it's great. Off the top of my head I believe it is only Alberta and New Brunswick that have his so far.
-EV 8/14/93
Our neighbours have managed to set the bar real low... so, in comparison, we could have Peter Griffin as our Prime Minister and feel pretty damn good about it. As it stands however, we are doing well!
and yes, compared to Trump, a pig would do a phenomenal job, but I think JT is doing a good job even without that comparison.
-EV 8/14/93
75 years without parole eligibility for the triple murder.
75 years without parole meets minimum standards for me (it is not what he deserves... but it's the harshest he could possibly receive from a country that typically thinks a harsh sentence is denying Tim Hortons to anyone that murders multiple people (let alone children).
It's still too good for the scumbag: "The little girl was taken from her crib to a campsite, which was partially owned by Saretzky's family, where he choked her to death with a shoelace. He said "a little prayer'' over the girl before he drank her blood, ate part of her heart and burned her body in a firepit."
Yah. He should die.
-EV 8/14/93
I aim to please!
This one related more to Canadian politics, or at least BC politics. Apparently the BC Liberals are mightily pissed that one of their own took the position as Speaker, effectively removing another vote from their side.
With the balance that tight, it was always going to be a tough decision, but I really think they could have behaved with a bit more grace. Someone needed to step up and be Speaker. They claim it's because he wasn't up front about it, and who knows, maybe he wasn't, but I can understand why he wouldn't be, ahead of the announcement. He would have been innundated.