Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Rock and roll..beatles to janes addiction with a little pj here and there....marshall amp...I would be second gutarist...4 piece band. Thanks for any suggestions
If you're the second guitar player, I would be looking at Gibson Les Paul Specials or used SG Standards. They are fat sounding and I always had a soft spot in my heart for the Gibson & Marshall combination.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
My first thought was Rickenbacker, but not for under $1k.
I would suggest anything with high-output single coils, like the P-90 or DeArmond 2k pickups. So, Les Paul or SG with P-90s or a Gretsch or DeArmond with the 2ks. I think that would produce great open-chord rhythm tone. Light overdrive, or play around with light compression. Does the Marshall amp have tubes, or is it solid-state?
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
my suggestion is to go to a music shop, plug in & figure out what fits you. even if it doesn't 100% "fit" your bands sound, it's your guitar & you'll probably be playing it for awhile. even if it doesn't fit your band's sound, you can always add a pedal or 2 to beef it up/tone it down.
depends on what sound you are going for. don't get something with distortion pickups in it if you are going to be playing some lighter/cleaner sounding stuff. i made the mistake of putting duncan distortions into one of my les pauls and i fucked it all up. i could not get a clean tone out of that pickup at all. i ended up having them switched back to the stock pickups.
i am a marshall/gibson man myself. i favor les pauls and sgs. i have an old firebird with minihumbuckers in it and it is pretty much a badass versatile guitar.
"You can tell the greatness of a man by what makes him angry." - Lincoln
strange my instructor told me that its still an f if i choose to leave my finger on a and leave out the e, is that true bc my dad says it dont sound like an f, if anybody can enlighten me thanks
I have a pair of P-90s in a Tele Deluxe. Now Fender is making exactly the same thing (although I got my P-90s from Lindy Fralin).
There are Teles out there with a Gibson-style (usually Seymour Duncan) mini-humbucker in the neck position. I've had hands on a few, and they're really nice. The middle pickup position is very nice; I'd love to try one with 4-way Tele switching.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I would suggest anything with high-output single coils, like the P-90 or DeArmond 2k pickups. So, Les Paul or SG with P-90s or a Gretsch or DeArmond with the 2ks. I think that would produce great open-chord rhythm tone. Light overdrive, or play around with light compression. Does the Marshall amp have tubes, or is it solid-state?
i am a marshall/gibson man myself. i favor les pauls and sgs. i have an old firebird with minihumbuckers in it and it is pretty much a badass versatile guitar.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
There are Teles out there with a Gibson-style (usually Seymour Duncan) mini-humbucker in the neck position. I've had hands on a few, and they're really nice. The middle pickup position is very nice; I'd love to try one with 4-way Tele switching.