Thinking of picking up a high-res portable player. The Fiio 2nd gen x5 looks pretty good. Not too sure about the Pono. Any suggestions/guidance is greatly appreciated.
I have a Fiio X1 and I have to say I love it. Wasn't very expensive either and it took a little longer for them to get the shipment so they threw in a 32gb sd card with it which was awesome. No problems so far with my Fiio.
If it was me, I would probably just carry around an iPod Classic, and rip everything in a lossless format. It doesn't offer support for the ultra-hi-def files, but I would be pretty happy with a 160 GB unit playing WAV or AIFF files. Interface is great, battery life is solid. It's an absolute shame that Apple no longer makes them.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
If it was me, I would probably just carry around an iPod Classic, and rip everything in a lossless format. It doesn't offer support for the ultra-hi-def files, but I would be pretty happy with a 160 GB unit playing WAV or AIFF files. Interface is great, battery life is solid. It's an absolute shame that Apple no longer makes them.
That's exactly what I'm doing right now, but I've had to replace the hard drive twice in the last couple years. Actually put a flash drive hard drive in that takes an sd card. Works great. No more moving parts. Yes it is a shame they discontinued it.