"Between Stone's hair and his pants, I could fuck him"

One of ED's best lines. imo
15 years has gone by way too fast...
Anyone else at this show? Nice to see Fivehorizons still have all those reviews still posted

10/04/00 - Molson Centre: Montreal, Quebec, Canada
attendance: 20,000
support act: Supergrass
set: Of The Girl, Corduroy, Whipping, Grievance, Animal, God's Dice, Nothing As It Seems, Given To Fly, Wishlist, Pilate, Last Kiss, Do The Evolution, MFC, Improv/Habit, Light Years, Better Man, Even Flow, Porch
enc 1: Off He Goes, Breakerfall, State of Love and Trust, I Got Shit, Elderly Woman, Leaving Here
enc 2: Fuckin' Up, Yellow Ledbetter

notes: Mike OWNS 'Corduroy,' completely reworking the solo. Ed swaps the second and third verses of 'Whipping.' Ed mentions how happy he is to be out of the states for a while. He discusses how boring the debates were last night and talks about Bush and Gore's "lifeless eyes," arguing about topics nobody cares about. He mentions that if "little George Dubya Bush" wins, the band is applying for Canadian citizenship. Ed dedicates 'NAIS' to Bush and Bore for their "lack of inspiration." Stone is having a lot of technical problems early on (he later switches guitars THREE TIMES during one song!) and he sits out almost all of 'Grievance.' Ed says, "You know what's ironic? Stone was the most excited about playing tonight." 'Last Kiss' is played while Andy (Stone's tech) tries to fix his gear; Ed sings the song to the fans behind the stage. A *rawkin'* 'DTE' with Stone getting major props for his solo. The improv prior to 'Habit' runs approximately three minutes and features a repetitive bass note and some mind-bending fills from Matt. (Described by one who heard it as "way too rehearsed for it to be some random sonic experimentation. It sounded like a somewhat louder, crunchier 'Of The Girl' ... it had an almost droning quality.") Problems are evident with Matt's kit as well, in particular the hi-hat. Mike has a lot of trouble getting through 'Light Years.' He is cracking up insanely, and even misses a few bars because he is doubled over with laughter. Ed messes up the lyrics in 'Wishlist' and replaces the last line with "I wish I was the verb to trust I hope I didn't just let you down." Mike has a very "on" night, with the 'Even Flow' solo going on and on and ON. 'Porch' is amazing, with an extended jam, and Ed exchanging notes with the crowd before the climax. Stone is having a lot of technical problems tonight, which prompts Ed to joke, "Between Stone's hair and his pants, I could fuck him." Ed falls over catching a Rangers jersey during 'Fuckin' Up', but makes the catch, and tucks it into his pants. Mike throws in the opening riff of Thin Lizzy's 'Jailbreak' into the 'YL' outro.


  • Love this show. My second ever PJ show and first experience seeing the boys up close (6th row center). Killer version of Porch!
    9/13/98, 10/4/00, 4/29/03, 6/29/03, 7/2/03, 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 9/15/05, 9/16/05, 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 10/30/09, 10/31/09, 5/15/10, 9/11/11, 9/12/11, 10/19/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 10/25/13, 10/27/13, 9/26/15, 4/28/16, 4/29/16, 8/5/16, 8/7/16, 8/13/18, 9/2/18, 9/4/18, 9/26/21, 9/1/22, 9/2/22, 9/14/22, 9/18/23, 9/19/23, 9/7/24, 9/9/24, 9/12/24, 9/15/24, 9/17/24
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