Help! Guitar Solos not coming in on Vinyl.

Okay so I've had this problem for a while and mainly with Pearl Jam vinyl like the Ten album and its always Even Flow, Alive, Garden and Deep but Once and Why Go come in fine. or Vs. Go and Animal solos will work but Daughters won't.I always wondered if it was the way it was recorded with having the 2 guitars but that doesn't make sense. At first I thought it was the receiver so I got a new one. It worked the first time I played Ten the guitar solos came in for those songs then second side and the guitar solo for Garden or Deep didn't come in. I Don't think its the record itself at all because its happened on other ones before. Wiring is hooked up fine to speakers everything's good there. I've also noticed at work I hook up my phone and sometimes guitar solos are faded as well.Anyone notice this happen to them. Could it be the record player? Or maybe my speakers? Do I need more speakers so they come in louder? My speakers are pretty big and play music very loud I cant see why for some reason solos don't come in. Has Anyone had this happen please help.
Thanks for reading
Thanks for reading