tickets to the Las Vegas show

allornone3allornone3 Posts: 2
edited July 2006 in Given To Fly (live)
I have two tickets to the Las Vegas show.My ten club #362423.
To my extreme disapointment I can not attend.I will let them go
for $120.00usd.If you are seroiusly interested let me know a.s.a.p.

Post edited by Unknown User on


  • now $100.00 o.b.o.
  • slcporchslcporch Posts: 212
    If you can't get rid of these before the deadline give me a call and we can work something out. I already have tickets and can't seem to sell the ones I have. Call me if I am your last option. 801-628-5611.
    Member 2436##.

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