I'm looking for the 06 Pittsburg poster and would like to trade my 2 extra Global GA tix. Not looking to sell the tix...... I bought 4 VIP seats and then won the tickets
I know I'm not around much anymore but I need a favor. If anyone comes across 2 spare GA tix to the Central Park show, please keep me in mind. I have 2 "fellow" fan club members who are trying everything in their power to win these tix buy completing all the obstacles you have to do. I'm picking up my buddy from Newark airport on Friday for the show. Hopefully someone has 2 extras for him and a fellow member. They're to proud to ask so I'm gonna ask for them. Please pm me if you come across anything. They're not picky about where, they don't care about vip 1, 2 or 3. They'd be happy with GA. Thanks guys
Wouldn't it be funny if the world ended in 2010, with lots of fire?