FS: Klausen DC 2006 Poster

JH57554JH57554 Posts: 249
$225 Shipped in the US.

This poster has been in a frame since about a week after I bought it at the show. There are a few minor scuffs on the front of the poster and a little strip on the back top of the poster where some of the paper is slightly ripped away. It looks like the framers taped it to the mount and then removed it and took some of the back of the poster with it. There is also some small blemishes near the bottom center of the poster. None of this stuff was visible when it was framed and hanging on my wall and I just discovered it all yesterday when I removed it from the frame to photograph for this sale. Here's an album showing the exact condition of the poster.

http://s88.photobucket.com/user/hesterthe13th_2006/slideshow/DC Poster


  • JH57554JH57554 Posts: 249
    Bump. Make me an offer and get this poster displayed somewhere and out of my closet. If you're local to the Atlanta area I'll make you a great deal on the poster & the frame.
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