"Catatonic Dignity"

She sits in her corner but she’s not alone. Spinning lines connecting the lives of former selves. Creating a web of lies to all others except herself. This unreality speaks to her; sometimes a whisper, sometimes a scream. The magnitude of this truth has heavy tolls. She stares at horizons beyond the confines of these man made walls. Imagining infinite possibilities that no one else dares to believe.
The White Coats have a circle for her. This circle will dry up her soul, inside and out, seeking to disrupt the connections with a name. This madness cannot be allowed to be maintained. But singular circles mean the death of the individual. Mind, Body and Soul.
But it is in these moments that we can witness ourselves. Shining in the eyes of others whose dreamer has not died; a reflection of our humanity and the stories they tell.
The White Coats have a circle for her. This circle will dry up her soul, inside and out, seeking to disrupt the connections with a name. This madness cannot be allowed to be maintained. But singular circles mean the death of the individual. Mind, Body and Soul.
But it is in these moments that we can witness ourselves. Shining in the eyes of others whose dreamer has not died; a reflection of our humanity and the stories they tell.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
I don't know what you were going for when you wrote this, but it just made me think of what she went through. I guess, meaning is (as beauty is) in the eye of the beholder.