Looking for 1 GA Ticket for Global Citizens (yes, I know they can't be sold)

odiedragonodiedragon Arena, WI Posts: 206
If anyone has an extra GA ticket for Global Citizens that they can't use, or if they won tickets but can't go for some reason, please let me know. I'm looking for someone to transfer their ticket to me, so my husband and I can bring my stepdaughter to the show. :)

Again, I know they can't be sold, so I'm not asking to buy the ticket off you. You can, however, transfer the tickets for free (so I've read, haven't tried it) on Ticketmaster's website.

Thanks :)
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  • patkelly12patkelly12 CT Posts: 361
    Apparently GC isn't being real strict on the can't be sold rule because now Stubhub removed their disclaimer and is listing the General Admission Lawn on their site.
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