Evening Walk

Went out of the house when the Sun went down
My dog really needed a walk
I was a little disheartened, for no breeze could be found
The heat enveloped me like a cloak
The stars appeared hazy, as if they felt the heat too
Our brisk walk was quite lazy instead
The only things enjoying this weather, I knew
Were the bugs and the frogs at the pond up ahead
The dog days of summer have again come around
Sirius is up with the Sun
My dog is panting, his tongue to the ground
I’m afraid our evening walk is done
After thirty-three years of living here in the South
I’ve come to dread the July humidity
I know the winters are mild and I should just shut my mouth
Still, this is not Southern Hospitality!
My dog really needed a walk
I was a little disheartened, for no breeze could be found
The heat enveloped me like a cloak
The stars appeared hazy, as if they felt the heat too
Our brisk walk was quite lazy instead
The only things enjoying this weather, I knew
Were the bugs and the frogs at the pond up ahead
The dog days of summer have again come around
Sirius is up with the Sun
My dog is panting, his tongue to the ground
I’m afraid our evening walk is done
After thirty-three years of living here in the South
I’ve come to dread the July humidity
I know the winters are mild and I should just shut my mouth
Still, this is not Southern Hospitality!