Epiphone ES-339. Because I've been wanting an ES-339 since Gibson released them about seven or eight years ago, and the Epiphone version has been pretty well reviewed. And considering the Gibson version is now exceeding $2,000... the Epi version seems like a steal at $470. Or you can pick up the natural-finish P-90 version for $350 (the P-90 version ranges up to $430 depending on finish). If I got the Epi version, I might lean toward getting the P-90 version and upgrading to Fralin pickups. If you get the cheapest 339 at $350, and the Fralin pups are $180 a set, you get away with a killer guitar for $530, skating right under the limit.
Then again, these are my own, VERY personal tastes and preferences.
There are a lot of killer guitars to be had in the $500 range, so it's not easy to pick one. Then again, I probably wouldn't spend $535 on a guitar right now; I'd probably save up and get the Gibson like I've been planning on getting for years. I have a few guitars already, so I'm not in any hurry to pick something up. Do you have a reason to get a guitar RIGHT NOW for the specific amount you have to spend? Or are you just GASing with money to burn?
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
Definitely don't have money to burn. Definitely don't have to have one now. That dollar amount is what I've saved up here and there over the years and isn't ear marked for anything in particular. Just getting some ideas from you all. I love my Epiphone Les Paul - its 13 years old and plays so well. I am searching for a different style, and something a bit lighter than the Les Paul. I have been looking at the ES-339 and the Epi P90 Riviera with the Bigsby for a few years now. I have played the Riviera but it seems a bit big to me. Have you played either?
I've played the Gibson and Epiphone ES-339s, but not the P-90 versions. I haven't played a Riviera in ages, so I can't even try to compare. The Riviera is obviously going to be much larger, since the 339 is one of the smallest hollowbody guitars that Gib/Epi makes. They do make semihollow Les Pauls, too.
Besides weight, what sort of difference do you want from your Les Paul? Tone? Neck? Sound? Feel? It would be pretty easy to tell you to get a Strat or Tele, or maybe an SG, since all of those are pretty different (and some are even lighter than an LP). But without knowing what direction you want to go, it's hard to make a recommendation.
A 339 with P-90s would definitely be different from your LP, but be close enough that you wouldn't be re-inventing your playing style or amp settings. Then again, maybe that's what you're looking for.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
Great question! I would probably find an acoustic or resonator with a cutaway for around that price (not sure which). I would like to find one to bring with me on river/camping trips to play with other people, and not worry about banging it up a little bit. If I were to buy another electric- I would go with the 339! Semi-hollow body may be my next purchase. I've got a Les Paul and a Strat already.
Does it have to be "new"? You can get some serious sound if you take that cash and find the right used guitar. Hell my used 98 MIM strat and 97 Epi Sheraton 2 with 57 Classic pick ups totaled out to about $600.
"Populated with every reject and cutthroat from Bombay to Calcutta. It's worse than Detroit."
Great question! I would probably find an acoustic or resonator with a cutaway for around that price (not sure which). I would like to find one to bring with me on river/camping trips to play with other people, and not worry about banging it up a little bit. If I were to buy another electric- I would go with the 339! Semi-hollow body may be my next purchase. I've got a Les Paul and a Strat already.
I didn't think about acoustic! If you want an acoustic-electric: Yamaha FGX-730SC is the best that money will buy. I was told the same thing on a different forum and it could not have been more true, that guitar is the possession I hold most dear. For just acoustic, I would probably choose from the Yamaha line still, they're such beautiful guitars.
Listen to some of my music here (if you want to):
[url="My soundcloud"]
Dude I play guitar I have prs but the best in my book are American fender starts mike loves them to you can't go wrong the neck on a strat they have a better feel than any others I have played I tried Gibson lp they just don't feel right in my hand I know they are great guitars but not for me give me an American strat with maple neck and look the fuck out
Btw stone likes starts to I guess it come down to the way a guitar feels to you . And if you buy one buy American strat not no Mexico made Strat or Squire Strat
Dude I play guitar I have prs but the best in my book are American fender starts mike loves them to you can't go wrong the neck on a strat they have a better feel than any others I have played I tried Gibson lp they just don't feel right in my hand I know they are great guitars but not for me give me an American strat with maple neck and look the fuck out
...Imma let you finish....but that's the longest run-on sentence of all time!
Grand Rapids '04, Detroit '06
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
You'd have to find one used now, or build one yourself, but that's a damn fine instrument for a Keith Richards thing.
Nice piece, except my baby hands can't handle the U shaped neck if its the one I'm thinking it is.
E. Lansing-98 Columbus-00,03,10 Detroit-00,03 (1&2),06, 14 Cleveland-03,06,10 Toledo-04, Grand Rapids-04,06 London-05, Toronto-05, Indianapolis 10, East Troy (1&2) 11, Chicago 13, Detroit 14
I'd look for a used Tele. Found a US one for $600 CDN. American made. Become my favourite toy.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
Check out some of the newer PRS SE guitars, they are build well and play nicely. I was lucky enough to receive a comp'd PRS SE Tremonti signature guitar. I love how it plays, but I rarely play it as I have many other higher end guitars that I prefer.
Pittsburgh, PA September 28, 2005 || Washington, DC June 22, 2008 || Barstow, VA May 13, 2010 || Seattle, WA August 10, 2018 || Dana Point, CA September 29, 2018 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 28, 2019 (EV) || Dana Point, CA September 25, 2021 (EV) || Dana Point, CA October 1, 2021 || Dana Point, CA October 2, 2021 || Chicago, IL August 29, 2024
I think Epiphone released their version of the ES-339 around 2012, so it's gotta be the last three years or so. The ad didn't specify year. And just ran out of gear funds, so the point is moot for me anyways. I just wanted commiseration.
...and if you don't like it, you can suck on an egg.
I need a strat. All my guitars are dual humbuckers, so I could use something with variation for sure. That's my answer.
------------------------------------------------------------ Too many shows to even begin to remember. Long live The Pearl Jams! ------------------------------------------------------------ Some of my music... https://soundcloud.com/fingerchili ------------------------------------------------------------H
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,835
Epiphone ES-339. Because I've been wanting an ES-339 since Gibson released them about seven or eight years ago, and the Epiphone version has been pretty well reviewed. And considering the Gibson version is now exceeding $2,000... the Epi version seems like a steal at $470. Or you can pick up the natural-finish P-90 version for $350 (the P-90 version ranges up to $430 depending on finish). If I got the Epi version, I might lean toward getting the P-90 version and upgrading to Fralin pickups. If you get the cheapest 339 at $350, and the Fralin pups are $180 a set, you get away with a killer guitar for $530, skating right under the limit.
Then again, these are my own, VERY personal tastes and preferences.
There are a lot of killer guitars to be had in the $500 range, so it's not easy to pick one. Then again, I probably wouldn't spend $535 on a guitar right now; I'd probably save up and get the Gibson like I've been planning on getting for years. I have a few guitars already, so I'm not in any hurry to pick something up. Do you have a reason to get a guitar RIGHT NOW for the specific amount you have to spend? Or are you just GASing with money to burn?
Good choice! THe Epiphone Dot is a great guitar for under $500 as well.
At this point I would hope to find a Fender Standard Telecaster for $535. They go for more but I would take cash with me and hold it out to the salesperson and say, "This is what I've got. Do we have a deal?" I base this choice also with the consideration that I could find one that feels and sounds right. I looked at and played a Tele in a shop several years ago that felt and sounded fantastic and was only $250 new but at the time I didn't have the money. I should have bought it anyway. Oh well.
I would also consider a Squier J Mascis Jazzmaster Electric Guitar Vintage White which can be found for under $400. I would choose this one purely based on the fact of being a Mascis FANATIC!
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Then again, these are my own, VERY personal tastes and preferences.
There are a lot of killer guitars to be had in the $500 range, so it's not easy to pick one. Then again, I probably wouldn't spend $535 on a guitar right now; I'd probably save up and get the Gibson like I've been planning on getting for years. I have a few guitars already, so I'm not in any hurry to pick something up. Do you have a reason to get a guitar RIGHT NOW for the specific amount you have to spend? Or are you just GASing with money to burn?
Besides weight, what sort of difference do you want from your Les Paul? Tone? Neck? Sound? Feel? It would be pretty easy to tell you to get a Strat or Tele, or maybe an SG, since all of those are pretty different (and some are even lighter than an LP). But without knowing what direction you want to go, it's hard to make a recommendation.
A 339 with P-90s would definitely be different from your LP, but be close enough that you wouldn't be re-inventing your playing style or amp settings. Then again, maybe that's what you're looking for.
but since I already have one I would keep saving for a tele or a strat
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Speaking of, check out this beauty: http://www.musiciansfriend.com/guitars/fender-vintage-hot-rod-52-telecaster-electric-guitar
You'd have to find one used now, or build one yourself, but that's a damn fine instrument for a Keith Richards thing.
Too many shows to even begin to remember.
Long live The Pearl Jams!
Some of my music...
At this point I would hope to find a Fender Standard Telecaster for $535. They go for more but I would take cash with me and hold it out to the salesperson and say, "This is what I've got. Do we have a deal?" I base this choice also with the consideration that I could find one that feels and sounds right. I looked at and played a Tele in a shop several years ago that felt and sounded fantastic and was only $250 new but at the time I didn't have the money. I should have bought it anyway. Oh well.
I would also consider a Squier J Mascis Jazzmaster Electric Guitar Vintage White which can be found for under $400. I would choose this one purely based on the fact of being a Mascis FANATIC!