It's Tradition! Play That PJ Song!
Every year at the end of finals week - last day, last final, I blast ALIVE so as to celebrate that we, teachers AND students, are still ALIVE after the school year. It is my tradition to do so and has been for the past eleven years - I teach high school English - What is your tradition situation in which you play a Pearl Jam song?
"How fortunate were we that we were born in Chicago..." - Rosemont, IL 5/14/15
"The irony is that maybe someday they'll find exactly that... maybe that's a good thing." - Rosemont, IL 5/15/15
"[Unthought Known] wasn't the *worst* thing I'd ever done..." Central Park, NYC 9/26/15
"Cómo se dice 'really high'?" - Mexico City, DF 11/28/15