This sounds really cool, except I HATE the principle behind E readers. That's where I draw the line on technology. Books in tangible format will never be obsolete to me, but I truly like your idea. If you ever publish a hard copy, I'd love to read it! :-)
I'm afraid though, that there will be no printed copies for a good while - not unless ebook sales exceed expectations. Printed books will always be my preference too, however, the digital format is really great where linking to the associated material - the songs - is concerned.
I think, or at least hope, there's room to consume literature in different ways without worrying about physical books becoming obsolete.
I'm afraid though, that there will be no printed copies for a good while - not unless ebook sales exceed expectations. Printed books will always be my preference too, however, the digital format is really great where linking to the associated material - the songs - is concerned.
I think, or at least hope, there's room to consume literature in different ways without worrying about physical books becoming obsolete.