Hope is the gift

Hope is the gift
I sometimes find when I am soft and relaxed
petals emerging from the snow
melting icicle sparkle
shutters removed!
package on the doorstep
lost earring in a drawer
penny, face up on the sidewalk
where does it disappear to when it leaves?
someplace dark and cramped
mysterious like the lone sock in the dryer
but when it returns it’s the best present
it’s light after the power-out
it’s warm soup on a cold night
it’s bread in the oven!
I sometimes find when I am soft and relaxed
petals emerging from the snow
melting icicle sparkle
shutters removed!
package on the doorstep
lost earring in a drawer
penny, face up on the sidewalk
where does it disappear to when it leaves?
someplace dark and cramped
mysterious like the lone sock in the dryer
but when it returns it’s the best present
it’s light after the power-out
it’s warm soup on a cold night
it’s bread in the oven!
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