Amongst the Waves found. Sweet! This is starting to pick up Now, PJ20 coloured and Orange Fixer..... The Norwegian gotz good stuff to trade..... Come get some...
Orange Fixer and Coloured PJ20.... You have em' and want to trade? Check out my list of vinyls for trade... Oh, and if I somehow have forgotten to answer an earlier PM, I'm sorry. There were a lot of them at one point but I think all were answered... .hmm. Anyway..
Just to say young AMENt_TO_THAT is a pleasure to deal with. Record arrived super well packaged and super fast.
Hopefully see you at a show soon!
Thanks for the bump chime Glad you are happy with the records!
Look through my first post for items I have for trade. A few gems have already left the building and found new homes in the US, but there's still plenty of good stuff left... and that almighty $$ it that's what you're after..
givin' this an evening bump. I get paid in 2 weeks, should go well with your PJ20 coloured sale ay!?? nO? Or art thou more interested in a copy of Yield, No Code, PJ20 (black)? Or anything else from my list? Have had 4 trades done recently so Binaural amongst others, are of the list.... But still great shit waiting to trade hands. Just let me know what you want and feel is a fair trade and we take it from there.
That really looks nice. So glad you got it and that you are happy with it! I second that AMENt_TO_THAT is a pleasure to deal with. What a great and trusting dude. Thanks again for a great trade my friend!
Bump for a great guy and more beer talk, please. Let's get him his colored PJ20 (and a beer or 2).
Haha! Thanks for the bump Will! I better stear clear of the beer while fideling with the PJ20 set Someday that coloured set will be mine, but until that day, the Blue Fixer and Green Amongst the Waves will do me just fine.... And that Orange Fixer I just traded for All hail vinyl and beer
Hopefully see you at a show soon!
Look through my first post for items I have for trade. A few gems have already left the building and found new homes in the US, but there's still plenty of good stuff left... and that almighty $$ it that's what you're after..
That wmacson is an awesome fella to trade with. A gem! Seeeeexy blue Fixer! Thanks buddy!
" /> " under it? hmm
I second that AMENt_TO_THAT is a pleasure to deal with. What a great and trusting dude. Thanks again for a great trade my friend!
If you have that elusive PJ20 Coloured, I'm leaning more and more towards buying this instead of tradeing. Wanna sell your copy maybe? Or a combo?