Yes, where I work it's often candy in the lunch room. My colleagues that's been out traveling brought home some interesting candy like dried fruit coconut, mango bits from Thailand chocolate with almonds on top etc.:)
yes love it accept for the snakes in the bush and the sharks in the sea lol
his n her pillows,bath towels,robes,back to back days,candle lit dinners,lazy home in bed days,driving car days,wining,hotels,long walks on the beach,camping,fishing,holidaying,traveling,buying,selling,rocking shows,kids,old age together till death do us part
Yes, I have - at Hobbes "yo mammoth" comment to Rob.
Do you at least try to eat a decent breakfast each morning?
Blindingly sunny today?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
It is windy and grey skies here...
Have you ever found a lost pet ?
have you not never had the chance to share something really really really special with someone dear to you
Do you like Thai green curry?
Have you had chocolate already this morning?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
My colleagues that's been out traveling brought home some interesting candy like dried fruit coconut, mango bits from Thailand chocolate with almonds on top etc.:)
Have you bought anything fun on any trip?
Ever have those days where not only your hair looks like shit, but YOU look like shit?
I think everyone has days like that
Do you take any vitamins?
Do you drink orange juice every day?
would you like to go on a holiday..
Have you had a lovely dinner yet?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Do you brush your teeth before breakfast in the morning?
Do you have a dress code where you work?
Did you ever work somewhere that required women to wear pantyhose?
Jeans? I
Do you dress up on a regular occasion?
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
do you go to your guardian for making trustworthy decisions...??
Do you have a guardian?
do you like where you live?
his n her pillows,bath towels,robes,back to back days,candle lit dinners,lazy home in bed days,driving car days,wining,hotels,long walks on the beach,camping,fishing,holidaying,traveling,buying,selling,rocking shows,kids,old age together till death do us part
Sometimes, depends on the digs
Never been
Ditto that
Perhaps again
Assuming that last part was a question
Is the blasting of kickass music potentially imminent?
Jesus will decide which is best you think so when you cant..
May I introduce you to the question mark?
I'd say no to the last comment. I decide what's best for me.
That said, have you put yourself / an important decision in someone else's hands?
buy a cat and a dog for my daughter and let them fight over what she decides to keep
or not bother with both
So unfair and frankly, cruel toward the animals.
(and please, adopt if possible)
Paul McCartney - a panacea at times?
Like people who ask lots of probing questions when you've just met?
Do you watch tv in bed?
Have trouble getting to sleep?
Are you handy at fixing things around the house?