Why isn't this happening today?

in Other Music
I saw a post on FB today that linked a photo of a poster titled "What the Coachella line up would have looked like at the birth of KLOS in 1969!" the lineup for this imaginary festival includes these acts:
Jimi Hendrix
The Who
The Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
Bob Dylan
Crosby Stills Nash and Young
The Doors
Janis Joplin
Creedence Clearwater Revival
The Band
The Grateful Dead the band
Pink Floyd
Chuck Berry
Velvet underground
Frank Zappa and Mothers of Invention
The Stooges
Allman Brothers Band
Johnny Cash
Miles Davis
Buddy Guy
Bo Diddley
The Byrds
Sly and the Family Stone
Fleetwood Mac
Buffalo Springfield
James Taylor
Jefferson Airplane
B. B. King
Jethro Tull
Steve Miller...
and a few more plus some that could be added to their list...
So my question is: Why isn't this happening today? Some of those listed above today are still around but certainly not in their prime as they would have been in 1969. Why is it that, 46 years later with the world's population double what it was in 1969, is there not this much cumulative talent that is at the same level as those listed above in terms that encompass performer's peak years, active performers, and this level of recognition? Why, with twice as many people living today, do we not have this broad a band of well recognized, excellent talent? Or do you believe this much talent exists without the recognition?
I have my own theories but I'm curious as to what some of you think.
Jimi Hendrix
The Who
The Rolling Stones
Led Zeppelin
Bob Dylan
Crosby Stills Nash and Young
The Doors
Janis Joplin
Creedence Clearwater Revival
The Band
The Grateful Dead the band
Pink Floyd
Chuck Berry
Velvet underground
Frank Zappa and Mothers of Invention
The Stooges
Allman Brothers Band
Johnny Cash
Miles Davis
Buddy Guy
Bo Diddley
The Byrds
Sly and the Family Stone
Fleetwood Mac
Buffalo Springfield
James Taylor
Jefferson Airplane
B. B. King
Jethro Tull
Steve Miller...
and a few more plus some that could be added to their list...
So my question is: Why isn't this happening today? Some of those listed above today are still around but certainly not in their prime as they would have been in 1969. Why is it that, 46 years later with the world's population double what it was in 1969, is there not this much cumulative talent that is at the same level as those listed above in terms that encompass performer's peak years, active performers, and this level of recognition? Why, with twice as many people living today, do we not have this broad a band of well recognized, excellent talent? Or do you believe this much talent exists without the recognition?
I have my own theories but I'm curious as to what some of you think.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
This might just be a generational/taste issue Brian.
And again, we we could somehow do statistics by percentage artist recognition and fame as viewed by the general population, I fairly sure today's artists would score lower. And I'm not sure these artists will have the longevity of bands like The Stones, Beatles, Hendrix, the Who, etc.
Haha! I can only concluded that this guy probably also never heard of Beethoven or Miles Davis either.
There are a few artists of the post 60's generation that will have long-term staying power- obviously Pearl Jam (and even our beloved PJ, it could be argued, is not a younger act in their prime) - but how many others? And that's not to say there aren't some great younger acts out there but for example, will Boris be recognized in 2050? (And I know some here will say, "Who?"
1) Lack of label support. In the 60's, when a band was signed on to a label that band was given time and encouragement to develop their talent. When someone like Ahmet Ertegün or Berry Gordy, Jr. discovered a new talent they gave that musician or band time to develop and progress. Today it's: show up on America's Got Talent, put out a gold record, and your out. Next!
2) Records, singles and radio. Records were a big deal, radio was far more popular than today giving artist a much wider audience. Today things are much more compartmentalized by the internet. Now wait, before you say I'm full of it, think about it. Things only go "viral" on the internet within the context of the age/interest group. Your parents (unless you're my kid) do not visit (for example) Pearl Jam's fan site.
3) Television. Bands get a lot of television exposure these days but mostly on late night shows. In the sixites, shows like The Ed Sullivan Show and American Band Stand were broadcast during prime time and everybody, young and old, watched these shows. Think Beatles, Rolling Stones and thank Ed Sullivan.
4) The social/cultural connection. Social movements and music were much more connected int the sixties. Yes, we had the Occupy Wallstreet movement that went strong for, what, maybe a year at the most. Vietnam, Civil Rights, the Woman's Movement and freedom of speech were major news making events that went on for several years and the music was strongly tied to them- many of those songs remain widely and well known today.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not advocating for nostalgia or saying my generation was best. No way. We grew old and comfortable and weak. I'm actually hoping somewhere, somehow, a spark will ignite and music will become more vital again. The talent is out there- it has to be. Out of 7 plus billion people you know there are people with the talent and staying power of Jimi Hendrix, Miles Davis, or Janis Joplin. I can't wait to hear what they are going to lay on us and I hope they are given the time and opportunity to grow into that talent.
ZacBrownBand also has an incredible following.
I could see Bruno Mars reaching legendary status due to him being such a great entertainer also.
Popular music starting in the early 20th century developed basically like this:
Big Band
Swing/Bop/Cool/Modern/avante garde jazz
Electric Blues
Early Rock and Roll
Psychedelic/Hard Rock
Grunge/alt/indie rock (which generally were not major changes over existing forms of rock)
Rap/Hip Hop
There have been no major changes is popular music in that last 20 or so years. It could be argued that some of the newer noise groups are creating new music but these may prove to be too obscure to become widely recognized just as in the 1960's free jazz was mostly overlooked (sorry to say).
I hope we are in for something big to happen in music again. It seems to me like we are overdue.
Remember listening parties? Winning tickets on the radio to merely listen to a new record before everyone else? That shit was exciting! Try explaining the appeal of that to the dgital immediate satisfaction generation! Lol.
The current music business model is dead, preventing labels from being able to spend the time and money on developing a band. Highest musical output for one, maybe two albums, and on to the next one. There are a few extreme exceptions, like the aforementioned swift and bruno.
I have two very distinct memories of my teenage experiences with regards to new music.
1) making plans in august of 91 to head downtown by bus to pick up the Black Album on the saturday after it was released. Sold out at one music store. Walked down the block to the other one. Then a third. Got it. Remember multiple music stores in a 4 block radius, and they all thrived? That was fun. Then we both hopped on the bus back to my place, grabbed the ghetto and brought it outside, and sat there for over an hour, silent, just listening. Then again and again and again. The entire cassette.
2) standing in line at midnight in the fall of 93 at my dowtown music store with my then-gf to pick up VS. It was nuts. Line up around the block. They were blasting it on loudspeakers outside while we waited for midnight to hit. And then inside the store was chaos. It was literally like a moshpit.
Everything, including music, has its peak. After the shitpile tgat was the 80's, the 90's music hit, and simultaneously brought it back to life then killed it. It just could not sustain itself for longer than it did. Grunge was like a cocaine high. Quick, awesome, intense, but never to be duplicated. But everyone will keep trying.
There is now, also, simply too much to filter through to find what you like. Radio is essentially dead and takes zero chances, as the life of a certain format for radio is as fickle as the rest of the business, so they have to play the lowest common denominator like everyone else. AC/DC in heavy rotation. Classic rock is the only money maker now, as everyone is wising up that either the public no longer cares for new bands, or the new bands just aren't cutting it, or they dont need radio anymore since everything is at their fingertips with the latest digital device, or a combination of the 3.
Did I mention AC/DC just sold out a 50,000 seat venue in Winnipeg in minutes a few days ago? Sad times indeed. Meanwhile my favorite bands play 300 seat clubs. Just bizarre.
-EV 8/14/93
Looking at all the factors you mention, I can't help but think the latest generation of kids are living in a bit of a vacuum. I remember all the excitement you mention. I remember when the advent of a new great band be it The Who or the Jimi Hendrix Experience or Nirvana or Pearl Jam was a major event. I would think music execs would be anxious to have that happen still today but I guess the business works differently now. It's almost as though the gadget market is the big thrill. People line up for the latest i-phone (or whatever) rather than the next great record.
I find it very interesting.
-EV 8/14/93
Never say never? Haha!