That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I agree with that.And have used that on my kids as they were growing up.Im lucky they get it.
BS,Team conservative welcomes all with open
Gambsy the new Daddy-o will soon see a slight shift in his thought process.He won't have to lose the values he holds dear, but new concerns and priorities will creep in.Its inevitable.
Guaranteed. The crazy part is that you don't even see it coming.
I'm advocating for victory which might require a re-invasion of Iraq to surge levels. The surge was a success, the coalition can do it again and restore the peace to 2009-10 levels.
I am not advocating for the invasion or even the bombing of Iran. I said this earlier but apparently all of your reading skills are below poor. With respect to Iran I would end current negotiations as the Iranians have refused to move close enough to our desired position on non-proliferation. I would tighten international sanctions on anyone who does business or banks with the regime. I would make any Iranian militia present in Iraq, Yemen and possibly Syria fair game for attack. I would institute a massive naval blockade on Iran in order to make sure they don't receive or deliver any military supplies. I would fund and support the internal green movement in any way possible. I would do this all vocally and unapologetically as we (the west) represent what is good and their regime does not. Anyone who tries to equate the evils of our societies is not just wrong but is also a fool. With this kind of pressure we will hopefully encourage the internal Iranian opposition to force out the Mullahs.
In exchange for our pressure on Iran the Sunni states will have to crush the radicals among them be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. and will have to be prepared to accept a future with a large moderate and strong Shia presence in the region.
As far as Palestine is concerned I would support the Palestinian Authority in everyway possible while aligning with Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Jordan etc in ending Hamas. Israel will be brought to the table and will be forced to make concessions following the defeat of Hamas. The PA wants a free Palestine and the end of Hamas. We will help them achieve both.
This is leadership. It will cost us plenty in both money and blood. The alternative is further regional collapse, genocide, terrorism and probably nuclear war. We are in for dark days no matter what. Shouldn't we at least try to control them?
What is the cost of this fantasy victory? In lives? In dollars? In failed relations around the world? Who else is ponying up? Canadian dollars I might add? In case you haven't noticed, the last ME debacle cost us a trillion plus and well the $17 trillion in debt has gotten the republicans gun shy about spending money or raising taxes. So, how much would you like to see Canada spend to prevent Iran from getting a bomb? Please spare me the Condi Rice mushroom cloud reference as well.
BS,Team conservative welcomes all with open
Gambsy the new Daddy-o will soon see a slight shift in his thought process.He won't have to lose the values he holds dear, but new concerns and priorities will creep in.Its inevitable.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,808
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Yeah, it's a clever quote but let's see, are there any brains here?
-Leonard Bernstein -Warren Buffett -Noam Chomsky -Stephen Colbert -Benjamin Franklin -Arianna Huffington -Robert Kennedy -Norman Mailer -Bill Moyers -Michael Pollan -John Stewart Eddie V-v-v...aww, what's his name? -Elizabeth Warren
I'm sure I must have missed a few (billion).
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
I'm advocating for victory which might require a re-invasion of Iraq to surge levels. The surge was a success, the coalition can do it again and restore the peace to 2009-10 levels.
I am not advocating for the invasion or even the bombing of Iran. I said this earlier but apparently all of your reading skills are below poor. With respect to Iran I would end current negotiations as the Iranians have refused to move close enough to our desired position on non-proliferation. I would tighten international sanctions on anyone who does business or banks with the regime. I would make any Iranian militia present in Iraq, Yemen and possibly Syria fair game for attack. I would institute a massive naval blockade on Iran in order to make sure they don't receive or deliver any military supplies. I would fund and support the internal green movement in any way possible. I would do this all vocally and unapologetically as we (the west) represent what is good and their regime does not. Anyone who tries to equate the evils of our societies is not just wrong but is also a fool. With this kind of pressure we will hopefully encourage the internal Iranian opposition to force out the Mullahs.
In exchange for our pressure on Iran the Sunni states will have to crush the radicals among them be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. and will have to be prepared to accept a future with a large moderate and strong Shia presence in the region.
As far as Palestine is concerned I would support the Palestinian Authority in everyway possible while aligning with Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Jordan etc in ending Hamas. Israel will be brought to the table and will be forced to make concessions following the defeat of Hamas. The PA wants a free Palestine and the end of Hamas. We will help them achieve both.
This is leadership. It will cost us plenty in both money and blood. The alternative is further regional collapse, genocide, terrorism and probably nuclear war. We are in for dark days no matter what. Shouldn't we at least try to control them?
What is the cost of this fantasy victory? In lives? In dollars? In failed relations around the world? Who else is ponying up? Canadian dollars I might add? In case you haven't noticed, the last ME debacle cost us a trillion plus and well the $17 trillion in debt has gotten the republicans gun shy about spending money or raising taxes. So, how much would you like to see Canada spend to prevent Iran from getting a bomb? Please spare me the Condi Rice mushroom cloud reference as well.
The costs in dollars and lives will be high. There is no denying this. I just happen to believe that inaction will cost us all more. Lives are being lost now.
As far as my statement on nuclear war it appears this needs to be better explained to you. Saudi Arabia is already exploring obtaining nuclear weapons, neighbouring states are exploring getting nuclear weapons. Yes other countries have them as well but we are moving to a point where more, for a lack of a better term, unstable states are going to pursue this technology. The Sunni-Shia divide is real and growing and extremist elements in the region are rising. We already see chemical weapons being used in Syria with blatant disregard. Over the long term nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes is something everyone should be concerned about.
I'm advocating for victory which might require a re-invasion of Iraq to surge levels. The surge was a success, the coalition can do it again and restore the peace to 2009-10 levels.
I am not advocating for the invasion or even the bombing of Iran. I said this earlier but apparently all of your reading skills are below poor. With respect to Iran I would end current negotiations as the Iranians have refused to move close enough to our desired position on non-proliferation. I would tighten international sanctions on anyone who does business or banks with the regime. I would make any Iranian militia present in Iraq, Yemen and possibly Syria fair game for attack. I would institute a massive naval blockade on Iran in order to make sure they don't receive or deliver any military supplies. I would fund and support the internal green movement in any way possible. I would do this all vocally and unapologetically as we (the west) represent what is good and their regime does not. Anyone who tries to equate the evils of our societies is not just wrong but is also a fool. With this kind of pressure we will hopefully encourage the internal Iranian opposition to force out the Mullahs.
In exchange for our pressure on Iran the Sunni states will have to crush the radicals among them be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. and will have to be prepared to accept a future with a large moderate and strong Shia presence in the region.
As far as Palestine is concerned I would support the Palestinian Authority in everyway possible while aligning with Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Jordan etc in ending Hamas. Israel will be brought to the table and will be forced to make concessions following the defeat of Hamas. The PA wants a free Palestine and the end of Hamas. We will help them achieve both.
This is leadership. It will cost us plenty in both money and blood. The alternative is further regional collapse, genocide, terrorism and probably nuclear war. We are in for dark days no matter what. Shouldn't we at least try to control them?
Then you go fight and reimburse my wasted taxes on this. Pm me and we'll make arrangements. Doesn't matter on your age just fly over and join Iraqi army. Hell join one if the hundreds of tribal militias.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Yeah, it's a clever quote but let's see, are there any brains here?
-Leonard Bernstein -Warren Buffett -Noam Chomsky -Stephen Colbert -Benjamin Franklin -Arianna Huffington -Robert Kennedy -Norman Mailer -Bill Moyers -Michael Pollan -John Stewart Eddie V-v-v...aww, what's his name? -Elizabeth Warren
I'm sure I must have missed a few (billion).
They are all just motivated by their financial interest to be liberal
I'm advocating for victory which might require a re-invasion of Iraq to surge levels. The surge was a success, the coalition can do it again and restore the peace to 2009-10 levels.
I am not advocating for the invasion or even the bombing of Iran. I said this earlier but apparently all of your reading skills are below poor. With respect to Iran I would end current negotiations as the Iranians have refused to move close enough to our desired position on non-proliferation. I would tighten international sanctions on anyone who does business or banks with the regime. I would make any Iranian militia present in Iraq, Yemen and possibly Syria fair game for attack. I would institute a massive naval blockade on Iran in order to make sure they don't receive or deliver any military supplies. I would fund and support the internal green movement in any way possible. I would do this all vocally and unapologetically as we (the west) represent what is good and their regime does not. Anyone who tries to equate the evils of our societies is not just wrong but is also a fool. With this kind of pressure we will hopefully encourage the internal Iranian opposition to force out the Mullahs.
In exchange for our pressure on Iran the Sunni states will have to crush the radicals among them be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. and will have to be prepared to accept a future with a large moderate and strong Shia presence in the region.
As far as Palestine is concerned I would support the Palestinian Authority in everyway possible while aligning with Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Jordan etc in ending Hamas. Israel will be brought to the table and will be forced to make concessions following the defeat of Hamas. The PA wants a free Palestine and the end of Hamas. We will help them achieve both.
This is leadership. It will cost us plenty in both money and blood. The alternative is further regional collapse, genocide, terrorism and probably nuclear war. We are in for dark days no matter what. Shouldn't we at least try to control them?
What is the cost of this fantasy victory? In lives? In dollars? In failed relations around the world? Who else is ponying up? Canadian dollars I might add? In case you haven't noticed, the last ME debacle cost us a trillion plus and well the $17 trillion in debt has gotten the republicans gun shy about spending money or raising taxes. So, how much would you like to see Canada spend to prevent Iran from getting a bomb? Please spare me the Condi Rice mushroom cloud reference as well.
The costs in dollars and lives will be high. There is no denying this. I just happen to believe that inaction will cost us all more. Lives are being lost now.
As far as my statement on nuclear war it appears this needs to be better explained to you. Saudi Arabia is already exploring obtaining nuclear weapons, neighbouring states are exploring getting nuclear weapons. Yes other countries have them as well but we are moving to a point where more, for a lack of a better term, unstable states are going to pursue this technology. The Sunni-Shia divide is real and growing and extremist elements in the region are rising. We already see chemical weapons being used in Syria with blatant disregard. Over the long term nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes is something everyone should be concerned about.
Yes, I think everyone on this board will agree that nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes is something to be concerned about. The only thing we disagree over is how to prevent them from using these weapons... I don't believe, we can in any way, prevent these unstable regimes from building these weapons. The sanctions don't slow them down developing nuclear weapons. Taking war actions, will maybe slow them down a little, but the hatred you will grow with those actions, will, I believe, in the long run, be more devastating than, a diplomatic course. The likelihood of those unstable regimes using those weapons against the West, will in my opinion be less likely, when we are able to talk to each other instead of fight each other.
Post edited by Aafke on
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
Here's some more of the Liberty you're talking about:
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
The way I see it, the reason our hearts fail us is because of this statement: people grow up, and stop having faith in their hearts.
Some begin to believe in "pure", "unadulterated" logic like those noble conservatives. This is all well and good, but even the most seemingly logical decisions aren't made in silos (and facts forming logic aren't exempt from manipulation). For a people who don't have the computing power to accurately predict the weather (and certainly not the climate), we are obtuse if we claim to comprehend the causality of major decisions: war, wealth and information and food distribution (and assistance to equalize) - all incredibly complex systems which I can say with confidence that we will never be able to understand and/or quantify every resulting effect. This strips a logical decision of its inherent logic when we're thinking long-term, because we simply won't know what will happen. And then, those of us looking for logic are also brought backwards in progress by the inevitable reality that those thinking with their hearts act in ways deemed illogical, so a logical cause can have an illogical effect.
So, really, because of the human condition, acting on the thoughts of our brains seem doomed because of those who will react because of their hearts. Conversely, acting based on the feelings in our hearts seems doomed because of those who will react because of their brains.
These don't seem compatible, when to take care of each other properly as our hearts would dictate, each of us has to do something that from a human perspective is "illogical": I need to stop putting me first.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
What Liberty? The liberty to hate? The liberty to be so convinced about your own world view, that you call everyone who disagrees with you, naive or brainwashed? I also strongly belief in my own worldview, but I don't belief it is the only right worldview, it only fits best for me. I try to stay open-minded for different worldviews. With the right argumentation, I might be convinced, of a different view, but so far you didn't give any arguments that give me any reason to question my own... Apparently neither did I give you any to change yours. However, what strikes me, is that in my post i try to ask you a lot of questions, which you seem to avoid. To bad, because if you don't answer them, i don't think you will ever be able to convince me...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
What Liberty? The liberty to hate? The liberty to be so convinced about your own world view, that you call everyone who disagrees with you, naive or brainwashed? I also strongly belief in my own worldview, but I don't belief it is the only right worldview, it only fits best for me. I try to stay open-minded for different worldviews. With the right argumentation, I might be convinced, of a different view, but so far you didn't give any arguments that give me any reason to question my own... Apparently neither did I give you any to change yours. However, what strikes me, is that in my post i try to ask you a lot of questions, which you seem to avoid. To bad, because if you don't answer them, i don't think you will ever be able to convince me...
I don't think your views and beliefs are wrong Aafke.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
What Liberty? The liberty to hate? The liberty to be so convinced about your own world view, that you call everyone who disagrees with you, naive or brainwashed? I also strongly belief in my own worldview, but I don't belief it is the only right worldview, it only fits best for me. I try to stay open-minded for different worldviews. With the right argumentation, I might be convinced, of a different view, but so far you didn't give any arguments that give me any reason to question my own... Apparently neither did I give you any to change yours. However, what strikes me, is that in my post i try to ask you a lot of questions, which you seem to avoid. To bad, because if you don't answer them, i don't think you will ever be able to convince me...
I don't think your views and beliefs are wrong Aafke.
I never said they where... I only try to get BS so far to come with constructive arguments and start answering some of my questions...
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Yeah, it's a clever quote but let's see, are there any brains here?
-Leonard Bernstein -Warren Buffett -Noam Chomsky -Stephen Colbert -Benjamin Franklin -Arianna Huffington -Robert Kennedy -Norman Mailer -Bill Moyers -Michael Pollan -John Stewart Eddie V-v-v...aww, what's his name? -Elizabeth Warren
I'm sure I must have missed a few (billion).
They are all just motivated by their financial interest to be liberal
So conservatives are motivated by freedom alone and liberals are motivated by financial interest? That is pretty twisted. Sometimes I wonder what world you live in.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
What Liberty? The liberty to hate? The liberty to be so convinced about your own world view, that you call everyone who disagrees with you, naive or brainwashed? I also strongly belief in my own worldview, but I don't belief it is the only right worldview, it only fits best for me. I try to stay open-minded for different worldviews. With the right argumentation, I might be convinced, of a different view, but so far you didn't give any arguments that give me any reason to question my own... Apparently neither did I give you any to change yours. However, what strikes me, is that in my post i try to ask you a lot of questions, which you seem to avoid. To bad, because if you don't answer them, i don't think you will ever be able to convince me...
I don't think your views and beliefs are wrong Aafke.
I never said they where... I only try to get BS so far to come with constructive arguments and start answering some of my questions...
He'll pick and choose what to answer. and then try to make you feel stupid for not understanding his posts. Just about everybody here thinks he's been advocating for war with Iran yet he tells you he never said that. But anyone with the reading comprehension of a 10th grader can understand his posts.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
This IS delusional! The wing that tries to deregulate banks and wage wars for profit, the wing that fears change, sows constant fear about the "enemies" and tries to end and prevent freedoms in minorities...this is about freedom? you are nutso.
If you are socially liberal then you aren't a true conservative, your a moderate with chickenhawk tendancies.
I'm advocating for victory which might require a re-invasion of Iraq to surge levels. The surge was a success, the coalition can do it again and restore the peace to 2009-10 levels.
I am not advocating for the invasion or even the bombing of Iran. I said this earlier but apparently all of your reading skills are below poor. With respect to Iran I would end current negotiations as the Iranians have refused to move close enough to our desired position on non-proliferation. I would tighten international sanctions on anyone who does business or banks with the regime. I would make any Iranian militia present in Iraq, Yemen and possibly Syria fair game for attack. I would institute a massive naval blockade on Iran in order to make sure they don't receive or deliver any military supplies. I would fund and support the internal green movement in any way possible. I would do this all vocally and unapologetically as we (the west) represent what is good and their regime does not. Anyone who tries to equate the evils of our societies is not just wrong but is also a fool. With this kind of pressure we will hopefully encourage the internal Iranian opposition to force out the Mullahs.
In exchange for our pressure on Iran the Sunni states will have to crush the radicals among them be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. and will have to be prepared to accept a future with a large moderate and strong Shia presence in the region.
As far as Palestine is concerned I would support the Palestinian Authority in everyway possible while aligning with Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Jordan etc in ending Hamas. Israel will be brought to the table and will be forced to make concessions following the defeat of Hamas. The PA wants a free Palestine and the end of Hamas. We will help them achieve both.
This is leadership. It will cost us plenty in both money and blood. The alternative is further regional collapse, genocide, terrorism and probably nuclear war. We are in for dark days no matter what. Shouldn't we at least try to control them?
Then you go fight and reimburse my wasted taxes on this. Pm me and we'll make arrangements. Doesn't matter on your age just fly over and join Iraqi army. Hell join one if the hundreds of tribal militias.
See you can try to CONTROL them.
And remember you reimburse my WASTED thousands.
I'm willing to start a gofundme campaign for BS to send him over to the Middle East for some ground action.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Love this post! And B-Lux you are a beacon of progressive vigor among an age-class of stodgy regressives!
Just for a handful of silver he left us, Just for a riband to stick in his coat— Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us, Lost all the others she lets us devote; They, with the gold to give, doled him out silver, So much was theirs who so little allowed: How all our copper had gone for his service! Rags—were they purple, his heart had been proud! We that had loved him so, followed him, honoured him, Lived in his mild and magnificent eye, Learned his great language, caught his clear accents, Made him our pattern to live and to die! Shakespeare was of us, Milton was for us, Burns, Shelley, were with us,—they watch from their graves! He alone breaks from the van and the freemen, —He alone sinks to the rear and the slaves!
We shall march prospering,—not thro' his presence; Songs may inspirit us,—not from his lyre; Deeds will be done,—while he boasts his quiescence, Still bidding crouch whom the rest bade aspire: Blot out his name, then, record one lost soul more, One task more declined, one more footpath untrod, One more devils'-triumph and sorrow for angels, One wrong more to man, one more insult to God! Life's night begins: let him never come back to us! There would be doubt, hesitation and pain, Forced praise on our part—the glimmer of twilight, Never glad confident morning again! Best fight on well, for we taught him—strike gallantly, Menace our heart ere we master his own; Then let him receive the new knowledge and wait us, Pardoned in heaven, the first by the throne!
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
What Liberty? The liberty to hate? The liberty to be so convinced about your own world view, that you call everyone who disagrees with you, naive or brainwashed? I also strongly belief in my own worldview, but I don't belief it is the only right worldview, it only fits best for me. I try to stay open-minded for different worldviews. With the right argumentation, I might be convinced, of a different view, but so far you didn't give any arguments that give me any reason to question my own... Apparently neither did I give you any to change yours. However, what strikes me, is that in my post i try to ask you a lot of questions, which you seem to avoid. To bad, because if you don't answer them, i don't think you will ever be able to convince me...
I don't think your views and beliefs are wrong Aafke.
I never said they where... I only try to get BS so far to come with constructive arguments and start answering some of my questions...
He'll pick and choose what to answer. and then try to make you feel stupid for not understanding his posts. Just about everybody here thinks he's been advocating for war with Iran yet he tells you he never said that. But anyone with the reading comprehension of a 10th grader can understand his posts.
Well... if he wants me to feel stupid, he has to come with much better arguments than he did so far. I've always enjoyed political debates, but argumentation is something not everybody is skilled in... unfortunately.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
BS,Team conservative welcomes all with open
Gambsy the new Daddy-o will soon see a slight shift in his thought process.He won't have to lose the values he holds dear, but new concerns and priorities will creep in.Its inevitable.
Team Conservative? You flip flopping Ryan? Haha
Never pal! As I've always stated Im an independant who is a Fiscal conservative and progressive on most social issues(with exception to certain entitlements,but that's a convo for another thread).
BSL, lumped me in with the other fine upstanding Conservatives because of my stance on the police violence and some other issues,She's not incorrect in labeling some of my views as aligned with the right.I don't run from that.I embrace it.I am who I am.
That said Im very pleased that the Dems and Repubs have come together on This national Medical Mary Jane bill being proposed.Im glad Paul got behind this.Some real movement is starting to shape up here.Encouraging.
That's just it BS. Thats why this place is so chill. You can sincerely complement a fellow train member while simultaneously arguing about WMDs, And middle Eastern Nuclear capabilities.
Sounds about right.Carry on.
So true. It's actually my babies that turned me rightward. Curious to see if gambs has a similar experience.
Hahaha, unreal
As Churchill (allegedly) said: "If you're not a liberal at 20 you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at 40 you have no brain."
I don't know about this one... Maybe for most, no...some people this is truth, but certainly not for all of us... I've been left wing political invested all my life... so were my parents. I rather have no brain, than no heart. I've been a mother for fifteen years by now, and just turned 40, but I've never had fear or greed leed my political views, and I probable never will be... but we'll see...
Well...the first problem is that you think conservative views are led by "fear and greed". Once you realize they are led by liberty and nothing else the change is much easier. You also must recognize that not all conservatives are the same. I am quite socially liberal with the caveat that I don't "fear" the social conservatives around me.
Again,I don't disagree here and actually think BS is on point.Fear and greed is the last things that guid me.Im more of the follow the happy/enjoy life,Love kind of guy.
Greed to certain extent is necessary.And not evil.(Anything if used wrong can be) I don't think anyone on this board is so above reproach that they don't feel a little greed in needing to earn as much as possible in their proffesion.Lets not be hypocrits here.
If greed is me wanting to earn a good living,take care of my family,paying for educations and secure a comfortable retirement,and helping others along the waythen Maybe I am a guilty.But I am willing to work my ass off for that.So is it greed?
I can't paint every liberal or progressive with the same brush,just like not all fiscal conservatives can be pigeon holed.
I'm advocating for victory which might require a re-invasion of Iraq to surge levels. The surge was a success, the coalition can do it again and restore the peace to 2009-10 levels.
I am not advocating for the invasion or even the bombing of Iran. I said this earlier but apparently all of your reading skills are below poor. With respect to Iran I would end current negotiations as the Iranians have refused to move close enough to our desired position on non-proliferation. I would tighten international sanctions on anyone who does business or banks with the regime. I would make any Iranian militia present in Iraq, Yemen and possibly Syria fair game for attack. I would institute a massive naval blockade on Iran in order to make sure they don't receive or deliver any military supplies. I would fund and support the internal green movement in any way possible. I would do this all vocally and unapologetically as we (the west) represent what is good and their regime does not. Anyone who tries to equate the evils of our societies is not just wrong but is also a fool. With this kind of pressure we will hopefully encourage the internal Iranian opposition to force out the Mullahs.
In exchange for our pressure on Iran the Sunni states will have to crush the radicals among them be it ISIS, Al Qaeda, etc. and will have to be prepared to accept a future with a large moderate and strong Shia presence in the region.
As far as Palestine is concerned I would support the Palestinian Authority in everyway possible while aligning with Egypt, Saudia Arabia, Jordan etc in ending Hamas. Israel will be brought to the table and will be forced to make concessions following the defeat of Hamas. The PA wants a free Palestine and the end of Hamas. We will help them achieve both.
This is leadership. It will cost us plenty in both money and blood. The alternative is further regional collapse, genocide, terrorism and probably nuclear war. We are in for dark days no matter what. Shouldn't we at least try to control them?
What is the cost of this fantasy victory? In lives? In dollars? In failed relations around the world? Who else is ponying up? Canadian dollars I might add? In case you haven't noticed, the last ME debacle cost us a trillion plus and well the $17 trillion in debt has gotten the republicans gun shy about spending money or raising taxes. So, how much would you like to see Canada spend to prevent Iran from getting a bomb? Please spare me the Condi Rice mushroom cloud reference as well.
The costs in dollars and lives will be high. There is no denying this. I just happen to believe that inaction will cost us all more. Lives are being lost now.
As far as my statement on nuclear war it appears this needs to be better explained to you. Saudi Arabia is already exploring obtaining nuclear weapons, neighbouring states are exploring getting nuclear weapons. Yes other countries have them as well but we are moving to a point where more, for a lack of a better term, unstable states are going to pursue this technology. The Sunni-Shia divide is real and growing and extremist elements in the region are rising. We already see chemical weapons being used in Syria with blatant disregard. Over the long term nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes is something everyone should be concerned about.
You still didn't answer the questions. What is high to you may be low to me and vice versa. Do you really think that a region so full of instability is going to have their shit together to attain nuclear weapons? And when will that be? Tomorrow? 6 months? A year maybe?
You seem to lack an understanding of the technical skill, resources and skill needed to acquire nuclear weapons. Unless you think NK is exporting suitcase bombs to the drug cartels who are leaving them with the headless bodies in the desert by ISIS training camps.
The wonderful former compassionate conservative president of the US allowed NK to attain nuclear weapons and didn't do a thing about it. Except to name them part of the Axis of Evil. Neither did Canada as I recall. What makes Iran's acquiring nuclear weapons different?
The wonderful former compassionate conservative president of the US allowed NK to attain nuclear weapons and didn't do a thing about it. Except to name them part of the Axis of Evil. Neither did Canada as I recall. What makes Iran's acquiring nuclear weapons different?
Good question!
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
The wonderful former compassionate conservative president of the US allowed NK to attain nuclear weapons and didn't do a thing about it. Except to name them part of the Axis of Evil. Neither did Canada as I recall. What makes Iran's acquiring nuclear weapons different?
And America used chemical weapons in Vietnam with blatant disregard. If the world attacked America the way America attacks the world, based on the pretences America has given for said attacks - there would be no America left.
'05 - TO, '06 - TO 1, '08 - NYC 1 & 2, '09 - TO, Chi 1 & 2, '10 - Buffalo, NYC 1 & 2, '11 - TO 1 & 2, Hamilton, '13 - Buffalo, Brooklyn 1 & 2, '15 - Global Citizen, '16 - TO 1 & 2, Chi 2
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
-Leonard Bernstein
-Warren Buffett
-Noam Chomsky
-Stephen Colbert
-Benjamin Franklin
-Arianna Huffington
-Robert Kennedy
-Norman Mailer
-Bill Moyers
-Michael Pollan
-John Stewart
Eddie V-v-v...aww, what's his name?
-Elizabeth Warren
I'm sure I must have missed a few (billion).
As far as my statement on nuclear war it appears this needs to be better explained to you. Saudi Arabia is already exploring obtaining nuclear weapons, neighbouring states are exploring getting nuclear weapons. Yes other countries have them as well but we are moving to a point where more, for a lack of a better term, unstable states are going to pursue this technology. The Sunni-Shia divide is real and growing and extremist elements in the region are rising. We already see chemical weapons being used in Syria with blatant disregard. Over the long term nuclear weapons in the hands of unstable regimes is something everyone should be concerned about.
See you can try to CONTROL them.
And remember you reimburse my WASTED thousands.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
you truly are delusional.
Some begin to believe in "pure", "unadulterated" logic like those noble conservatives. This is all well and good, but even the most seemingly logical decisions aren't made in silos (and facts forming logic aren't exempt from manipulation). For a people who don't have the computing power to accurately predict the weather (and certainly not the climate), we are obtuse if we claim to comprehend the causality of major decisions: war, wealth and information and food distribution (and assistance to equalize) - all incredibly complex systems which I can say with confidence that we will never be able to understand and/or quantify every resulting effect. This strips a logical decision of its inherent logic when we're thinking long-term, because we simply won't know what will happen. And then, those of us looking for logic are also brought backwards in progress by the inevitable reality that those thinking with their hearts act in ways deemed illogical, so a logical cause can have an illogical effect.
So, really, because of the human condition, acting on the thoughts of our brains seem doomed because of those who will react because of their hearts. Conversely, acting based on the feelings in our hearts seems doomed because of those who will react because of their brains.
These don't seem compatible, when to take care of each other properly as our hearts would dictate, each of us has to do something that from a human perspective is "illogical": I need to stop putting me first.
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
The wing that tries to deregulate banks and wage wars for profit, the wing that fears change, sows constant fear about the "enemies" and tries to end and prevent freedoms in minorities...this is about freedom? you are nutso.
If you are socially liberal then you aren't a true conservative, your a moderate with chickenhawk tendancies.
And I'll take a refund as well as callen
Just for a handful of silver he left us,
Just for a riband to stick in his coat—
Found the one gift of which fortune bereft us,
Lost all the others she lets us devote;
They, with the gold to give, doled him out silver,
So much was theirs who so little allowed:
How all our copper had gone for his service!
Rags—were they purple, his heart had been proud!
We that had loved him so, followed him, honoured him,
Lived in his mild and magnificent eye,
Learned his great language, caught his clear accents,
Made him our pattern to live and to die!
Shakespeare was of us, Milton was for us,
Burns, Shelley, were with us,—they watch from their graves!
He alone breaks from the van and the freemen,
—He alone sinks to the rear and the slaves!
We shall march prospering,—not thro' his presence;
Songs may inspirit us,—not from his lyre;
Deeds will be done,—while he boasts his quiescence,
Still bidding crouch whom the rest bade aspire:
Blot out his name, then, record one lost soul more,
One task more declined, one more footpath untrod,
One more devils'-triumph and sorrow for angels,
One wrong more to man, one more insult to God!
Life's night begins: let him never come back to us!
There would be doubt, hesitation and pain,
Forced praise on our part—the glimmer of twilight,
Never glad confident morning again!
Best fight on well, for we taught him—strike gallantly,
Menace our heart ere we master his own;
Then let him receive the new knowledge and wait us,
Pardoned in heaven, the first by the throne!
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
As I've always stated Im an independant who is a Fiscal conservative and progressive on most social issues(with exception to certain entitlements,but that's a convo for another thread).
BSL, lumped me in with the other fine upstanding Conservatives because of my stance on the police violence and some other issues,She's not incorrect in labeling some of my views as aligned with the right.I don't run from that.I embrace it.I am who I am.
That said Im very pleased that the Dems and Repubs have come together on This national Medical Mary Jane bill being proposed.Im glad Paul got behind this.Some real movement is starting to shape up here.Encouraging.
Greed to certain extent is necessary.And not evil.(Anything if used wrong can be)
I don't think anyone on this board is so above reproach that they don't feel a little greed in needing to earn as much as possible in their proffesion.Lets not be hypocrits here.
If greed is me wanting to earn a good living,take care of my family,paying for educations and secure a comfortable retirement,and helping others along the waythen Maybe I am a guilty.But I am willing to work my ass off for that.So is it greed?
I can't paint every liberal or progressive with the same brush,just like not all fiscal conservatives can be pigeon holed.
You seem to lack an understanding of the technical skill, resources and skill needed to acquire nuclear weapons. Unless you think NK is exporting suitcase bombs to the drug cartels who are leaving them with the headless bodies in the desert by ISIS training camps.
Drilling for fear keeps the job simple.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed".- Carl Jung.
"Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see."- Paul Klee
Toronto Film Festival 9/11/2007, '08 - Toronto 1 & 2, '09 - Albany 1, '11 - Chicago 1