Eddie Vedder's take on life on a small town...
From the article...
"Vs., Pearl Jam’s second album and the follow up to their massively successful debut Ten, was released in October of 1993 and offered a more versatile sound. The band’s approach to creating the album differed vastly from the experience recording of Ten. The process, inclusive of each band member, was far more conducive to drawing from their individual ideas and feelings."
Click the link to read the rest of the article and our other Pearl Jam related posts!
"Vs., Pearl Jam’s second album and the follow up to their massively successful debut Ten, was released in October of 1993 and offered a more versatile sound. The band’s approach to creating the album differed vastly from the experience recording of Ten. The process, inclusive of each band member, was far more conducive to drawing from their individual ideas and feelings."
Click the link to read the rest of the article and our other Pearl Jam related posts!
Post edited by uofmusic on
-EV 8/14/93
Thanks for reading and for the response!