Wah Pedal (revisited)

Hey folks, I know there have been previous requests here for Wah Pedal recommendations but it's been a while and things change, so...
Back in 1969, I bought a brand new Cry Baby and had a lot of fun with that pedal. After I'd had it for about a year a guy "borrowed" it from me and I never saw him or the pedal again. That pedal cost me what amounted to about one months rent money. The fucker! Anyway, after all these years I'm thinking about getting a new wah pedal. My ears are old and trashed so I don't crank it up. I just want something kind of fun and cool sounding to mess around with at home and... and I don't want to spend a huge amount of money on one of those custom jobs, cool though they may be. What 'cha all liking out there that way these days?
Back in 1969, I bought a brand new Cry Baby and had a lot of fun with that pedal. After I'd had it for about a year a guy "borrowed" it from me and I never saw him or the pedal again. That pedal cost me what amounted to about one months rent money. The fucker! Anyway, after all these years I'm thinking about getting a new wah pedal. My ears are old and trashed so I don't crank it up. I just want something kind of fun and cool sounding to mess around with at home and... and I don't want to spend a huge amount of money on one of those custom jobs, cool though they may be. What 'cha all liking out there that way these days?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
-Jim Acosta
I just use the original Cry Baby. I think its only around $60-70 (the cheapest Dunlop version). I'm not real experienced, but its good enough for me.
Thanks for the reply.
Thanks also, BHealy!
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
I also owned an MXR CAE wah. I feel like its a step up in quality from the Dunlops. Real solid and has 2 voicings and a switchable boost. I find the voicings are sorta set and forget. Its simple to go from one to the other, but different settings with your other gear seem to take one setting or the other better. It's what's on McCready's board if that interests you at all.
My go to now is a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe, which is really awesome. Has 3 very useable voicings. Just amazingly solid. The first time I plugged it in, that classic Hendrix wah sound jumped right out. They cost more, but it's absolutely worth it, for the the build and sound quality. They also have the standard Clyde that has just the one setting, but if you want basic, it's a great sound.
i tried to trade that cry baby in a couple of months ago for some store credit to go toward a different pedal, and the store would not take it off my hands. no lie...
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."