"By the Moon"

Let the house burn down. Till you no longer hear the embers make a sound. And walk upon the ashes that call you by name. Though homeless of heart, even in this moment you are still the same. You will find your place as you are embraced by the arms of the lost; as these arcs converge the unities will be complete.
A silence will overtake the dreamer. A freedom anchored to a sacred space. Unhindered by the thoughts of tomorrow; the impossible given to wander.
A silence will overtake the dreamer. A freedom anchored to a sacred space. Unhindered by the thoughts of tomorrow; the impossible given to wander.
I am a nothing dreaming of something unknown.
(this heart has a home - and may it / I everly change yet stay the same)
Thank you for this. Always a good sign when it dawns on me I'm smiling as I write/type.