Love's Lightning Strike

The atmospheric conditions coalesced to just right
For love's electrostatic super bolt to make a heartfelt strike
As when Venus and Jupiter align impossibly within space and time
We two clouds polarized a thunderstorm, of passion's kind
Heavy and fast, our storm accelerated in runaway breakdown
Sheets of lightning stoking the clock of a matrimonial countdown
A coy, playful look in her eyes; vivid bolts out of her dreamy blues
My anvil expanded and rose. Love's rolling thunder bounding audible and true
We surged along a conduit in space. sailing an ionic channel of love
To ride the rings of Saturn, discharging amped plasma from above
Mighty Zeus was on range that day, from the hip a return stroke!
A luminous Talon zapped us good, of the heavenly thunderbolt
We rolled on back to Earth, time to simmer down, get grounded or so.
Drifted over to Kifuka, a vibrant little town up high in the Congo.
A top dark mountains we tribocharged a current by friction of hot skin
Then lightning strikes again, oh my. Ah, timeless memories of the rampant Dust Inn
So yeah, I believe in Colpo di fulmini, love at first sight
When impassioned bolts are a blazing, make for the highest of heights
Don't be a fool and duck for cover. The dread you may feel is completly false
For the best part of Love's lightning the electromagnetic pulse.
This was my submission for the Deep10 Lighning Bolt contest.
Congradulations to the winners. They were awesome entries.
In joyous part.
I remember when, yeah. I swore I knew everything, oh yeah.