Art->Life or Life->Art?
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,383
An age old question: Does life imitate art or does art imitate life?
Judging by what can be seen when humor oneself by checking out the latest "news" on main-stream media it seems like the question is becoming a little skewed:
Does art inform life or does life inform art?
The main-stream seems to have it that art informs life. Look at the news and we see what this actor or movie producer thinks or what that film portrays or what this or that personality thinks. Are most people really eating this up? Are we living in a movie or a TV show or a talk radio program? Weird.
Judging by what can be seen when humor oneself by checking out the latest "news" on main-stream media it seems like the question is becoming a little skewed:
Does art inform life or does life inform art?
The main-stream seems to have it that art informs life. Look at the news and we see what this actor or movie producer thinks or what that film portrays or what this or that personality thinks. Are most people really eating this up? Are we living in a movie or a TV show or a talk radio program? Weird.
"Pretty cookies, heart squares all around, yeah!"
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
"Try to not spook the horse."
-Neil Young
Does Pearl Jam inform us or do us inform Pearl Jam?
I thought the other thread (to which I assume you're referring, Brian? Apologies if I misread) veered toward some similarly-weird territory that was sniffed, moved around with a fork, and then yes - eaten up.
Some chose not to down it.
Really...take one to task, then take all to task, including ourselves.
As to art...I don't see talk-radio as such. It's just people speaking (unless - that is art? And if so, that just blew the "art" definition wide open!).
As to the question, I'm not sure either informs the other, and really, informs of what? It's imagery, and squawking and preening. Not information, not an answer.
Did you mean imitate vs. inform?
We are informed by the Pearls of Wisdom!
Neither. Here on AMT, we inform life and art does what ever it does regardless of what we think!
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
No, inform really.
Sorry, I guess I'm being a bit oblique. What I mean is, it seems (at least to me, anyway) that a good deal of what we hear as "news" as seen through the perspective of a personality, an artist or the product of art (i.e. a movie). Obviously not all our news is filtered in this manner, but given the perspective of time, this is true much more so today than it was in decades past. I really think many more people form their opinions from what they see and hear of the perspective of personalities, movies, TV show, etc. That's how it seems to me and that seems weird.
Am I totally out to lunch on this one?
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
You lost me on art informing life. I'm not smart enough to tackle that.
I'd say art affects rather than informs life. Art is no different than anything or anyONE else we encounter; some will have an impact.
I may respect some artists (and that term is so subjective) but wouldn't / can't take their words or product as gospel.
Lisa Turtle sure was deep...
Anyway, great question, I think true art is an imitation of life. Movies that have changed my life were not big budget action monsters, but character studies on what it means to be human and to interact together. Books, paintings, modern art, for any of it to be good, it needs to have an element that people can connect to, and since we are pretty self centered animal, most people gravitate towards the art that imitates their life.
Sure people get influenced by art in a way they may have not decided to go themselves, but that again is a reflection on the way it imitated life to begin with...
That of course is just my opinion...
It is terrifying when you are too stupid to know who is dumb
- Joe Rogan
Follow the rabbit down the hole.Zeppelin was hugely influenced by the blues.The blues were a manifestation of life experiences of blacks in the south.The hardships of life ,freedom and love shaped the art,no?
Are we influenced more by popular culture and personalities/stars/actors/pundits/musicians (including newscasters who are also basically actors) or by our own analysis of what scientists, economists, political analysts and others who study current events present to us? I think (at least in western culture) we are heavily swayed more by the former than the latter.
We even call some TV shows "reality" shows. So we see reality though a popular entertainment medium? If this is reality, I think we are losing our grasp on reality.
We (western culture) seem to focus our attention more on stars and their opinions, than we do by what we learn from researchers. We are more apt to listen to what a rock star or movie star has to say about an issue than someone who's job it is to study those issues.
Again, I could be totally out to lunch but this is how it seems to me.
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
I'm with Hedo on this .You may be painting with a really wide brush.
but in the end you'd have to say that art imitates life judging by the painting and sculptures that look like the world we live in.
The poison from the poison stream caught up to you ELEVEN years ago and you floated out of here. Sept. 14, 08
Definitely not a "this or that" issue. And limits? Not even the sky!
-Eddie Vedder, "Smile"
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say
Think of examples:
people tell stories from their imagination
people tell stories as a way to reflect on experiences or things they've heard about
people can create some art from a feeling out of thin air
people can pour out some kind of sound from their imagination
life can beat the shit out of someone's spirit and art is the reaction to that
life can surprise people and make them want to tell the world about that feeling in a song
some people create art to clear out their demons
some people create art to bring something beautiful into the world as a gift
influence back and forth
That's how I see it!!!
Rare are the posts/words/thoughts - whatever you could call it - all over this forum that have actually teared me up some...the really nice, happy, get-it smiling kind.
Thank you.
You're welcome!