Stark truth

the bad news on the table
is about basic survival
It’s frustrating to me that
he, my guy at home
keeps getting laid off
this man I take care of and who takes care of me
we struggle, we recover
and then he loses another job!!
it feels like a curse
and every time I try to hold our spirits up to deal with it
while I lose my home, I lose my friends
and we have to move
soon, we’ve gotta criss-cross the country again!
(if he’s lucky enough to get a new job)
all because he’s lost this one
I’d hate to tell anyone how many times this has happened
and my heart is too big to
be a small person and blame him
but it makes me sad and disappointed
every time he’s rejected
this time, it’s almost too much!!
I still smile and tell him it’ll be okay
I tell him I believe in him
but why does this even happen?
it feels like this has happened too many times!
I thought five years ago would be the last time we had to do this
why did I believe it wouldn’t happen again?!
why is this his cycle?
where is Good Luck when it’s needed?!
is about basic survival
It’s frustrating to me that
he, my guy at home
keeps getting laid off
this man I take care of and who takes care of me
we struggle, we recover
and then he loses another job!!
it feels like a curse
and every time I try to hold our spirits up to deal with it
while I lose my home, I lose my friends
and we have to move
soon, we’ve gotta criss-cross the country again!
(if he’s lucky enough to get a new job)
all because he’s lost this one
I’d hate to tell anyone how many times this has happened
and my heart is too big to
be a small person and blame him
but it makes me sad and disappointed
every time he’s rejected
this time, it’s almost too much!!
I still smile and tell him it’ll be okay
I tell him I believe in him
but why does this even happen?
it feels like this has happened too many times!
I thought five years ago would be the last time we had to do this
why did I believe it wouldn’t happen again?!
why is this his cycle?
where is Good Luck when it’s needed?!
a song dedication for you and your guy......Unemployable.....and Gone. Thanks Ed Vedder for these great works highlighting the struggles of the hard working heroes of society.....Lets throw in 'going Hungry', from Chris as well.
In joyous part
My resilient personality just keeps me bouncing back and not giving up. I've got my dad's genes to thank for that.
I've come to realize that this PJ fan community is a real blessing in some ways. I have online PJ friends who I've been talking to on a regular basis for 15 years or so. They have provided a cushion of emotional support through three of these cross-country moves now. They have been a constant, like an extended family, through all these disruptions in the outside world.